
作者:RidgeWalker  于 2011-10-12 02:00 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村
















Beauty Scorched

Recently, I hear strange noises, mumbling that originate in far-away forest where no human ears can detect. What noises, you ask? Well, for example, one complaint seems to suggest that Chinese women from the Mainland are plain-looking thus unattractive, compared to the well-preserved babes from Taiwan and Hong Kong and even Japan and Korea. By taking heed to noises as such I am actually enlightened. Can you believe this? Gossip of such kind, you see, slows down my walk and speeds up my head.

Before I go any further, complements to my ears, would you say? They must be good.

Some of my friends, not from the Mainland and not necessarily children of Chinese or Asian descent, were fascinated about China, the Mainland, of course, where real dragons dig their caves, strutting around with dust all over their alligator-skin and spewing real smoke and fire. I remember those episodes because I heard them making profound statements coated with high intellectualism on the unbearable alienation of the modernity of life in the city from that of the country. One of my poet friends gained himself some fame by exclaiming loudly in a poem to Li Po: "Tell me, my sage, where is my exile?!"

I must be naive, for I reached out with all sincerity to suggest them to go to China and see the real country for themselves. I did not try to create any fairytale about how clean China is. Compared to Japan, or Hong Kong or Disneyland, are you kidding me? No, not in a million of years. I laid my elementary school logic out naked in the rain: if you are fascinated about China, a visit should be in order. If you are fascinated in nature, the grandeur of nature and its immensity, Nepal and the Gobi Desert seem to be two of the better choices. Sailing on a small boat across the Pacific, I don't know. You are on your own on that one, babe.

Some people I know went China, and I was glad. When they came back, however, they started complaining. Too much dust, tell me about it. No public facility, wow, I forgot all about that one. The toilet smells, hey, hey, hey, I am having dinner here, would you mind? The girls are plain-looking, hmm?

The funny thing is that I haven't heard a word saying they were scared. It can be very disappointing, to say the least, to find out the out-of-this-world scenery you have imagined all along turned out to be nothing but gray dust. This wonderful alienation has bred a bunch of babies who are simply scared to face reality, truth, and cold and hard facts. That's OK, babe. If you tell me you are scared, I will give a hug. Hey, my hug may not mean too much but a hug is a hug.

All right, where was I? I confess that some of the faces of Chinese women from the Mainland are stunning. I see obvious depression of the long term variety. If you are thirty years old, twenty years of political, economical and psychological turmoil will definitely do you in. A life full of uncertainty and horror will take its toll on any frame, male or female, strong or weak. Natural law dictates that some of the frames will never recover from this relentless pounding. Survival of the fittest is different from survival of the most beautiful. I mean, some of the Chinese women from the Mainland will never achieve or recover that soft-lined curves possessed by some women or even men from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Korea. Do they have to? Hey, good question. Do they want to? Go and ask them.

There are people who become more beautiful with time, like good wine as they say. But many lost their natural shape simply because the road they have traveled has been too tumultuous. If you had endured a multi-year separation from the one you love, the misery you have swallowed during those hundreds of days and nights will surface on your face, affect your manner, and influence your demeanor. Clothes, however beautiful, and makeup, however expensive, can't cover it all. They simply can't. When others see this, would they laugh? Well, my sensitive ears tell me that they would and they did. Hey, I told you my ears are good.

I’m biased because I went through the same life. I have great respect to and appreciate the beauty of those women, and men sometimes. They are beautiful without make-up. Let it be known that true beauty does not need make-up or advertisement; true beauty looks at the world in the eye with a smile; true beauty rises above the noise of gossip; if the world has any sense, it will take a deep bow at the feet of the true beauty...

I can also see the logic of the gossip. Here we are, in a society of consumerism, beauty takes on certain shapes and flesh is to be consumed. Skins are under microscopes, shapes are assemble-line formed. Some of the unfortunate ones coming through torturous misery are bound to be laughed at. They don't stand a chance for being so out of the space.

What's more, you asked? Beauty by definition softens strength, be it mental or physical. Elegance displays power by its rich finesse. But don't get me wrong. I for one admire the variety of beauties the world keeps shuffling to my eyes, including those who can laugh with the perfect frame whenever the spotlight is on. Human beauty charms me even though my eyes have seen too much. No, I never even mumbled to myself: what would those beauties become if they had gone through what we did? I don't wish misery to anyone, young or old, Chinese or any others.

Under the same spotlight, I can see some of my brothers and sisters look pale, or even awkward. They are at best beauties scorched...Now, I understand why I am hearing all the noises. I don't have to have ears; I can see noises.

January, 1995

















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9 回复 铜山 2011-10-12 02:18
7 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-10-12 02:19
铜山: 一个女人是否柔美,生活的环境很重要~~
12 回复 铜山 2011-10-12 02:24
城市真洁净! 地面比柏林的还干净,空气还是柏林的好~
9 回复 xqw63 2011-10-12 02:28
9 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-10-12 02:30
xqw63: 是小城市吗?大城市上班的高峰期不会这么少的人啊
6 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-10-12 02:30
铜山: 城市真洁净! 地面比柏林的还干净,空气还是柏林的好~
10 回复 铜山 2011-10-12 02:32
RidgeWalker: 不平均,有的地方干净,有的地方在施工。
在国内时,我真的很害怕施工~   灰土太大!
6 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-10-12 02:33
铜山: 在国内时,我真的很害怕施工~   灰土太大!
10 回复 铜山 2011-10-12 02:50
fuji: 听到同样的歌耶, ,人的美,在心情,写在脸上。
8 回复 hu18 2011-10-12 03:03
6 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-10-12 03:06
hu18: 以(照)片概全
5 回复 xqw63 2011-10-12 03:12
RidgeWalker: 天津,高峰之前。
7 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-10-12 03:14
xqw63: 哥们偏心,都照的MM哦
15 回复 xqw63 2011-10-12 03:14
RidgeWalker: 照些爷们你也不捧场。哈哈
8 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-10-12 03:15
xqw63: 干嘛说实话涅
7 回复 hu18 2011-10-12 03:15
RidgeWalker: 以管窥豹        
11 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-10-12 03:20
hu18: 豹子皮比母老虎皮漂亮
7 回复 rongrongrong 2011-10-12 03:36
7 回复 RidgeWalker 2011-10-12 03:51
rongrongrong: 音乐厅,小白楼
7 回复 bluemei 2011-10-12 06:15

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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