
作者:ryu  于 2012-9-23 03:54 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


PUBLISHED: 12:56 GMT, 20 September 2012 | UPDATED: 13:48 GMT, 20 September 2012

Many women are looking back with longing on past relationships, admitting sex was better with their ex than their current partner.

A total of 38 per cent of women confessed in a recent survey that they had the best sex of lives in a previous relationship. Meanwhile just 29 per cent of men said their best sex was with an ex.

Sex expert Tracey Cox said this 'grass is greener' sexual syndrome isn't new.

Looking back with longing: More women than men confessed in a recent survey that their best sex was with an ex (posed by models)

Looking back with longing: More women than men confessed in a recent survey that their best sex was with an ex (posed by models)

She said: 'Women don't tend to marry the guy they had great sex with. They marry for more 'sensible' attributes - like whether he'll be loyal and a good father. I get lots of emails from women saying they love their husbands but fantasise about sex with their exes.

'They don't regret not choosing them as long-term mates, but they do miss the great sex they had.'

The responses from both sexes also revealed that sex gets better with age with just seven per cent of both women and men naming their first love as their best lover.

Casual sex was no match for 'committed love-making' with both men and women in agreement that what makes the best sex is 'love' and 'passion.'

Only 4 per cent of women and 3 per cent of men said their best sex was a one night stand and just 1 per cent of both sexes named a holiday fling as their best sex.

But where the responses differ in the poll of 1,100 men and women by sex toy retailer Lovehoney are in the levels of sexual satisfaction with their current partners.

Fifty Shades effect: The success of the erotic novels is making people more adventurous in the bedroom

Fifty Shades effect: The success of the erotic novels is making people more adventurous in the bedroom

Sixty-two per cent of women and 71 per cent of men said their best sex was with their current partner.

The results showed women are becoming more sexually assertive – and far more ready to admit to dissastisfaction with their current lover. One possible reason for this greater assertiveness is the 'Fifty Shades of Grey' phenomenon. Experts say women have read the book over the summer and are increasingly reluctant to settle for second best in the bedroom.

Sex-pert: Tracey Cox said she wasn't surprised many women had the best sex with an ex over their husband

Sex-pert: Tracey Cox said she wasn't surprised many women had the best sex with an ex over their husband

But when it comes to experimenting, such as with bondage like the Fifty Shades characters, men found this more satisfying with 26 per cent saying doing something they never usually do was the reason for the best sex of their lives compared to 17 per cent of women.

Sex toys are also much more important to men (25 per cent) than women (14 per cent) while some nine per cent of women and 11 per cent of men were turned on by the risk of being caught.

Tracey, who has her own range with Lovehoney, said the survey shows that couples are becoming more sexually adventurous.

She said: 'Books like Fifty Shades of Grey help create a healthy sexual environment where women realise to have good sex, you need novelty and 'edge'. It's not all about sex on Saturday night in the missionary position!'










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5 回复 ryu 2012-9-23 03:59

原作者为 Daily Mail Reporter. 可能属集体作品。
2 回复 卉樱果 2012-9-23 10:46
2 回复 Emansfield 2012-9-23 11:49
3 回复 ryu 2012-9-24 07:44
Emansfield: 也不照顾一下。。。认字好累耶
2 回复 ryu 2012-9-24 07:46
卉樱果: 是的
2 回复 Emansfield 2012-9-24 09:30
ryu: 大概就可,讲的是谁?
2 回复 ryu 2012-9-24 21:24
you dont know 讲的是谁?

1 回复 Emansfield 2012-9-25 08:46
ryu: you dont know 讲的是谁?


facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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