都是狗闹的 --- 和村友 看得开

作者:亦云  于 2012-1-24 12:56 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




有位国内来的访问学者发电邮给我求助:她所租住的房东 -- 独身女教授委托她在其出差期间照管其三条高大威猛的宠物狗,每天给付10美金的劳务费,访问学者碍于前面,虽不太情愿,还是应承了下来。








Sorry to bother you while at your meetings but, I was very upset today.....
I had a package delivered to your house with dog supplements for my dogs.  It was delivered Monday night at 6:00pm according to the UPS Log.....arriving at your house today, Wednesday, there was diarrhea all over the family room and no package any where.....I left a note for the girls asking about the package.  I believe it was the French gal, called me tonight, and said she left it on the kitchen counter on Monday thinking I would pick it up on Tuesday, obviously Tahoe got a hold of it and totally trashed it and eat all the supplements along with help from the rest of the pack seeings all of the dogs were acting sluggish when the girls got home on Tuesday.....luckily the only adverse effect the dogs at this point,  is diarrhea, it could have been serious.  The supplements are good for the dogs but NOT in 2lb measurements...With that being said,  the supplements cost me $ 131.48 for a six month supply, I'm hoping you will reimburse me for the loss, because I need to reorder.........I did tell the girls to put all packages in your office and make sure the door is closed andnot to leave anything on the counter because Tahoe is a counter



You know by now not to leave anything on the counter. This is yor negligence and you owe Bronwyn the money. Furthermore if it were something harmful, Tahoe could have gotten really sick or even died. You have to be more careful


I am so sorry to Bronwyn and you, and Tahoe. I called Bronwyn yesterday evening to ask if it's serious to Tahoe and say sorry. I will pay her. I think Tahoe looks OK, I hope there is nothing wrong with him.
God bless. 
See you this evening.
Best regards,


I am so sorry for what happened.

I talked the accident with my Chinese friend and American friend, both of them think I shouldn’t be responsible for Bronwyn’s loss, because I am not the owner of the dogs and I am not a professional person to care dogs although I am paid $10 for every day, which is far from a professional one. 
In addition, I brought the package in so that it won’t get lost. I tried to find what it is inside but I didn't find anything on the box except her name and shipping destination. I put it on the desk near the door of garage where we always keep our document for dogs.

And they also said I shouldn't be in charge if our dogs bite somebody while I walk them along street in mooring.

I would be more careful if I am fortunate to share the house with you in future.


I spoke of the accident with my Chinese and American friends, who don’t feel that I should be responsible for Bronwyn’s loss. 

I am not the owner of the dogs and not a professional dog care person. 

 I was mainly trying to assist you with your travels, for which you agreed to compensate me $10 per day.  I have been taking good care of your animals as we discussed.  If your dogs had been boarded at a professional kennel during your travels, it would be much more expensive – easily a much greater cost than both the money you are paying me and the replacement cost of the package. 

With regard to Bronwyn’s loss, I was also trying to be helpful in bringing the package in from off the porch.  I don’t have enough experience with the habits of the dogs or what was in the package to know that the package would be damaged. In trying to be helpful, I put it on the desk near the door of garage where we always keep our documents for dogs.I am not the dogs’ owner.  If the dogs were to damage anyone’s property or do harm to anyone, the responsibility falls back on the owner of the dogs.  I did not come to this country to have to become a professional dog watcher.

 It is not right that you should not take responsibility for the actions of your dogs, or that I should be penalized for trying to help you in good faith.  Perhaps the cost of the loss of the package can be submitted to your homeowner’s insurance? 

I am staying with you because I have limited financial resources.

 I hope that I simply misunderstood that you expected me to be responsible for reimbursing the loss of Bronwyn’s package.  I will continue to do the best job I can in caring for your dogs until you return.  When you return we can discuss this with the Chinese Students and Scholars Association at University of XXXXX   that places students in their home.










刚表态过的朋友 (19 人)

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2 回复 人間的盒子 2012-1-24 13:02
2 回复 看得开 2012-1-24 13:15
2 回复 亦云 2012-1-24 13:55
人間的盒子: 这种事人家也是诈到最好诈不到就算了。
3 回复 亦云 2012-1-24 13:57
看得开: 如果是女教授同意女工把给女工狗邮购的补品包裹邮寄到女教授自家的地址,女教授是家的主人,应该赔付女工的损失。
2 回复 铜山 2012-1-24 15:14
2 回复 卉樱果 2012-1-24 15:43
3 回复 随意随缘 2012-1-24 20:29
这种case很正常, 人善被人欺吧。估计那女佣相当强势,那主人想转嫁损失。
3 回复 mosville 2012-1-24 20:50
什么教授啊?叫人给她看3条大狗,一天才给10美元。我以前养了一只猫,出外度假,把猫送到Cat Clinic托管,一天20美元。那个女教授如果把狗送出去,3条狗一天至少120美元。那个国内访问学者傻了,给人家交房租,还帮助人家省钱。那个房租不至于一天120美元吧?
2 回复 xqw63 2012-1-24 22:46
2 回复 liuxiaoyu 2012-1-25 06:55
2 回复 亦云 2012-1-25 10:11
铜山: 就赖那狗的妈妈没有教育好自己的孩子~
3 回复 亦云 2012-1-25 10:12
卉樱果: 我怎么觉得是那个女工自己的问题呢
3 回复 亦云 2012-1-25 10:12
卉樱果: 我怎么觉得是那个女工自己的问题呢
3 回复 亦云 2012-1-25 10:15
随意随缘: 这种case很正常, 人善被人欺吧。估计那女佣相当强势,那主人想转嫁损失。
2 回复 亦云 2012-1-25 10:17
mosville: 什么教授啊?叫人给她看3条大狗,一天才给10美元。我以前养了一只猫,出外度假,把猫送到Cat Clinic托管,一天20美元。那个女教授如果把狗送出去,3条狗一天至少 ...
2 回复 亦云 2012-1-25 10:18
xqw63: 老美很实际,也很识相
2 回复 亦云 2012-1-25 10:19
liuxiaoyu: 要是我碰到这样的事情就直接晕头了
2 回复 liuxiaoyu 2012-1-25 10:20
亦云: 不要紧张,冷静对待,无论发生什么事情!
2 回复 卉樱果 2012-1-25 10:23
亦云: 不知道那女工为啥把自己的包裹地址写在女教授家?
2 回复 亦云 2012-1-25 10:49
卉樱果: 是的呀,应该是她的责任呀

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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