
作者:转折点  于 2020-10-26 15:49 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


帮派活动猖獗 Gang activities active


他在Pomona 上学,一个安分守己的好男孩, 但那边有帮派不知道是因为受帮派的攻击或是练习枪击的时候走火这个在靶场的可能性是很小的或者就是被人做了手脚了!其实对我来说,我已经提心吊胆过日子十多年了,昨天去走路的时候又看见一位老太婆鬼鬼祟祟的在停车场走来走去,停车场地上有一个袋子里面都是呕吐物. 今天去办公室,又有一个老太婆过来给我递一支黑笔说是我丢的. OK,反正有什么就接什么,能够活着是福气! 我个人认为美国应该停售枪支,如果已经有枪支的应该用钱把它们买回来. 有些州有打猎的许可证,那可以出租枪支. 那些帮派们一打架白刀子进红刀子出已经够厉害,再加上枪支,要命啊!


He went to school in Pomona, a good boy who is self-sufficient, but there are gangs there. I don’t know if it’s because of a gang attack or a fire when practicing shooting. The possibility of shooting at the shooting range is very small, or the gun is being shot. Made your hands and feet! In fact, for me, I have been living with fear for more than ten years. When I walked yesterday, I saw an old woman walking around the parking lot. There is a bag inside the parking lot. It is vomit. Today going to the office, another old woman came over and handed me a black pen, saying that I lost it. OK, anyway, what to pick up, it is a blessing to be alive! I personally think that the United States should stop selling guns. If they are sold, they should be bought back with money. Some states issue hunting license, with which peoplecan rent guns. Those gangs fight, white knives in red knives out is already too muchplus guns, terrible!


小头目就是太太被人家了. 我觉得美国现在是一帮精神有病的人在管理,Jackie以前俄国朋友在洛杉矶开车被人撞过这次Jeff 回来刚下飞机也被人撞了. 我承认开车有车祸的危险可是就像这次枪击发生的时机太可疑了又象这边的市政府跟我找茬儿,Jackie的毫无道理的不讲逻辑的行为,真的是不理解不明白. 让我觉得美国人,就像我妈说的,从小被洗脑了,对政府的胡作非为根本没有办法,随波逐流,没有人敢对这个国家机器有所反抗的, 因为他们知道反抗是没有用的,会收到更严厉的惩罚!可我看到这个漏洞百出的法律,以及执法者的蛮不讲理,更有政府无法无天,草菅人命!有时会想是不是应该多杀一点没脑子的人,就像这次枪杀残疾病人一样,又有什么关系?我想这个世界最近不太安宁!


The little leaders situation was that his wife was killed by others. I think United States is now managed by a group of mentally ill people. Jackies Russian friends used to drive in Los Angeles and was hit by people. This time Jeff came back and just got off the plane got hit. I admit that there is a danger of driving a car, but like this shooting, the timing was too suspicious! City like this time looking trouble for me, the unreasonable and illogical behavior towards Jackie,  I reallydon’t understand. That makes me feel that Americans, like my mother said, have been brainwashed since childhood, and there is no way to stop the government’s mischief , onlyaccept . No one dares to resist this country machine because they know resistance is useless and will receive more severe punishment! But I can see that laws are full of holes, and the law enforcers are quite unreasonable, and there is even more lawlessness of the government. Sometimes I think, should we kill more no brainers, just like this time shooting disabled patients, what is the matter? I think this world is really not very peaceful recently!









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