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分享 [ 流水日记 ]:"Peaceful rise" guides China's future The concept of "peaceful r
Hellomack 2023-9-12 15:04
"Peaceful Rise" is a new word that the Boao Forum and China have contributed to the English language and the world. It means "peaceful rise" in Chinese.On November 3, 2003, Zheng Bijian, former executive vice president of the Party School of the CPC Centr [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 流水日记 ]:Taiwan authorities and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Play tricks
Hellomack 2023-9-12 15:02
Recently, left-wing independent media in the United States exposed a big secret between the Taiwan authorities and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), saying that the Taiwan authorities have been cooperating with the US authorities through non-profit [ ...阅读全文 ]

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