An Eventful Day

作者:深秋的云  于 2009-9-23 11:22 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



An Eventful Day


I did not set up the alarm clock last night because I thought today is Wednesday. I woke up at 8, realizing I have a class at 8:30. Run!


Lock myself out of my room because once in a life time I wanted to empty the recycle bin which is only in the basement. As soon as I shut the door, I realized that I took the wrong key.


So I was locked out of my room      with only my pajama on. Great!


Then I realized my roommate wouldn’t be back until 10:30. She left me a post-it this morning since she didn’t see me because I overslept which was due to I did not set up the alarm clock.


it was 5:45 pm, what I was going to do?


My cell phone was left in the room, so I could not even make a phone call to her and to bother her come home open the door for me.


And I didn’t remember her phone number! Even I could borrow a cell phone from a stranger.


Fortunately, next door neighbor lady came home. I beg her to make a phone call to my roommate since they are friends. They are supposed to have each other’s phone number!


Apparently, I was wrong. She does not have my roommate’s cell phone number and she does not know it. She did make a phone call but it went to the regular phone in my apartment where I could not get access to and where my roommate was not in. perfect!


Finally, I saw my roommate in her mother’s house 2 hours’ after, before she left for a party. Thanks god! I was still in my pajama.


But she didn’t have her key either because her key was in her jacket which was left in her office. Surprise! Surprise!


What an eventful day!










发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

0 回复 德州龙 2009-9-23 11:56
2 回复 marnifan 2009-9-23 22:27
tomorrow is another day.
0 回复 深秋的云 2009-9-24 10:08
marnifan: tomorrow is another day.
yes. i did well on my test.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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