About Universal Values

作者:JGL123  于 2008-10-2 06:42 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Questions about the Universal Values -- Human Rights, Freedom and Democracy
Recently a number of articles addressing the so-called universal values have been posted in the internet, regardless of possitve or negative opinions. It is especially hot in the Chinese websites since the Chinese cultural elites are trying their best to advocate and spread the universal values in China and among Chinese people all over the world. In their view, clearly, human rights, freedom and democracy should be the universal values. Actually, this is not their original ideas, but just a copy from the western politicians and cultural elites. Human rights, freedom and democracy themselves are so good and so attractive that I have to say I also like them. But question is how to get for the recipients, how to spread for the advocates and what are the real purposes of the west to spread in other countries, especially in China.
As a member of the Chinese nation, however, I have to take what the west have done against China since 1840 into account when I review the ideas from the west about the development of China. History should not be forgiven. By taking the history as the mirror, you can learn how a state rises and declines. Therefore, I would ask the Chinese cultural elites the following questions, since they flaunt being the fighters in/from China for human rights, freedom and democracy. Here I would also ask those elites to ask the west the same questions if they have not learnt all the true essence of the western values first and then spread them in China.

(1) What did the west do in China and/or for China during 1840-1949. What were the reasons/purposes for they invaded into China? Did the Chinese people vote to invite them in? What and where were the human rights of the Chinese people during that time? What and where was the peace? Did they and how did they care and/or protect the human rights of the Chinese people?

(2) How much loss of property did the west bring to China? How many lives were lost resulted from the wars the west forced on China? Have the western countries taken real action to atone for their invasion and crime against China and the Chinese people, as well as the great damage they made? Have the western countries returned all the treasure they stole from China?

(3) What are the human rights for all the people in the world? Are the rights to live, to move, and to work on the earth (i.e. in any country) the basic human rights for any people? Are the human rights really prior to sovereign rights, as the west advocate? If so, any person has the rights to live anywhere in the world. But why do USA, Canada and/or Australia with much smaller population than China not receive more ordinary Chinese people on the basis of the land area and total population? Will the USA, Canada or ustralia really grant the residence and work rights to any person from China, Mexico and Africa? Why are there illegal immigrants? Why cannot the illegal immigrants share the land to live, the opportunity to work with the citizens and the legal residents? What and where are the equality and freedom?

(4) Where were the human rights of the dead during many wars the west, especially the USA launched? Did the USA care about the human rights of the ordinary/civilian people, such as in Iraq, Afghan, etc.? Were all the wars voted by all the countries and approved by most countries? What and where were the democracy?
(5) All the initial reasons for Iraq war have been now proved wrong. Has the US administration admitted that the war is wrong and apologized and atoned for the loss of Iraq people? Have the Iraq people obtained the real freedom, democracy and human rights now?

I wish to see the anwsers from the followers of the west and/or the fighters for freedom, democracy and human rights. I do not believe what the west said and are saying, but what they did and are doing.









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