实用英语笔记 ZT

作者:chocho  于 2010-12-25 11:25 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


1 What's your job?你做什么工作?

2 You are just saying that.你只是说说而已。

3  Do you have a room available?你们有空房间吗?

4 Do you have any hobbies?你有什么爱好吗?

5 You deserve it.这是你应得的

6 Do you have some change?你有零钱吗?

7 Let's go visit them.让我们去拜访他们吧

8 My phone was out of order.我的电话坏了。

9 How long will it take me to get there?到那儿要多长时间?      

10 I'll see what I can do.我看一看能怎么办。

11 I'm glad you enjoyed it.你喜欢我就高兴

12 Maybe it will work也许这个办法会有效。

13  Whatever you think is fine with me.我随你。

14  What are you up to?你在忙什么呢?

15  What are your plans for the weekend?你周末计划做什么?

16  Where can I check in?在哪儿办理登记手续?

17  Where can I go for help?我该怎么办呢?

18 It's been a long time.好久不见了。

19  I'm under a lot of pressure.我的压力很大。

20 It's only a matter of time.这只是时间问题

21 Two heads are better than one.人多智广。

22 Would you care for a drink?你要不要来点儿喝的?

23 Who is in charge here?这里谁负责?

24 It really comes in handy.有了它真是方便。

25 You can't complain.你该知足了

26 We have a lot in common.我们有很多相同之处。

27 Don't get me wrong.别误会我。

28 Something must be done about it.必须得想个办法。

29 I'll keep my eyes open.我会留意的。

30 Could you take a picture for me?你能帮我拍照吗?

31 There's a possibility.有这个可能。

32 This soup tastes great.这个汤非常美味

33 I'll keep that in mind.我会记住的。

34 We are in the same boat.我们的处境相同。

35I haven't the slightest idea.我一点儿都不知道。

36 May I try it on?我能试穿一下吗?

37 When will it be ready?什么时候能准备好?

38 How can I get in touch with you?我怎样能跟你联络上?

39 Keep your fingers crossed.为成功祈祷吧。

40 Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦即是快乐

41 Could you drop me off at the airport?你能载我到飞机场吗?

42 I'll take it.我要了
43 I'm on my way.我这就上路
44 I'll pick up the tab.我来付帐。

45 I'll have to see about that.这事儿我得想一想再定。

46 You've dialed the wrong number.你拨错电话号码了。

47 It's a once in a lifetime chance.这是一生难得的机会

48 Please accept my apology.请接受我的道歉

49 I wasn't aware of that.我没有意识到。

50 You will be better off.你的状况会好起来的。

51 How late are you open?你们营业到几点?

52 appreciate your invitation.感谢你的邀请。

53 Don't take any chances.不要存侥幸心理。

54 Can I have a word with you?我能跟你谈一谈吗?

55 That sounds like a good idea.那听上去是个好主意。

56 Can I have a day off?我能请一天假吗?

57 May I have a receipt?我可以要一张收据吗?

58 That couldn't be better.那再好不过了

59 I have a complaint.我要投诉。

60 You should give it a try.你应该试一试。

61 Let's find out.我们去问一下吧。

62 You should take advantage of it.你应该好好利用这个机会。

63 How long did it last?持续了多久

64 Where have you been?你去哪儿了?

65 That's the way it is.就是这么回事。

66 What's the weather like?天气怎么样?

67 That's the way I look at it, too.我也是这么想。

68 I feel the same way.我也有同感。

69 All I have to do is learn English.我所要做的就是学英语。

70 What's the purpose of your visit?你来访的目的是什么?

71 Let's hope for the best.让我们往好处想吧。

72 Don't make any mistakes.别出差错。

73 What's the deadline?截止到什么时候?

74 Don't take it for granted.不要想当然

75 Just to be on the safe side.为安全起见。

76 Let's celebrate!让我们好好庆祝一下吧!

77 I'm pressed for time.我赶时间

78 in every respect.指“在各个方面”。respect在这里是“方面,着眼点”的意思。

79 First come, first served.捷足先登。

80 Face the music.承担后果。Music此处是指法律制裁或惩处。

81 I have an appointment with the Sales Manager.我和销售经理有个约会。

82 a blind date意为初次约会。date是约会的意思,而blind date则指第三人安排的男女间的首次约会。

因为对对方的长相,性格,爱好等等都不是非常熟悉,当然就是blind的啦。比如:James was too excited to have dinner. He was having a blind date with Sue in the evening. 詹姆斯激动得晚饭都吃不下了。晚上他要与苏第一次见面。
此外,date除了指男女间的约会,还可以指和别人的预约。比如:The toothache is killing me. I’ve got to make a date with my dentist. 牙疼死了,我得跟我的牙医约个时间看病了。
还有一个说法是:a heavy date, 意思是“男女间重要的约会”。

83 a drop in the bucket.沧海一粟;九牛一毛。此句源自圣经,原意为“水桶中的一滴水”。

84 Better safe than sorry.小心不出大错。

85 Have you finished yet?你做完了吗?

86 You did a bang-up job in this project.在这个项目里,他工作得特别出色。

87 They give me a big hand.他们给我热烈的掌声。give someone a big hand指掌声鼓励。

88 I wouldn’t count on it.我不会指望它,表示对某件事发生的可能性表示怀疑。
  当别人告诉你某事会发生,而你对它表示存疑时,可以用这个句子。但若是有人问你,某事会发生吗?而你对那件事会发生的可能性表示怀疑的时候,要说:I wouldn’t count on it happening.
        前面两句中,因为该件事情已经被前人提出,所以只说I wouldn’t count on it。若不是有人先提出某件事情会发生,而是由你先提出,那么表示你不认为某件事会发生,要用“I wouldn’t count on +某件事”,把到底是哪件事说清楚。例如:
 I wouldn’t count on him being on time. 我不认为他会准时到。

89 He faces all the challenges with a light heart他以积极的心态面对所有的挑战一个人的心,究竟有多重?
英语爱用 Heavy (重)或 Light (轻)来形容人的心情,故此有 Heavy heart 和 Light heart的说法,但我们要知道这些说法都与重量是没有关系的,千万不要弄错了!
With a light heart 是指“处于一个没有负担的环境之中,因而心情轻松”的意思。例如:Although there are many difficulties in her life, she faces all of them with a light heart.虽然在她的生命中有很多困难,但她仍以轻松的心态面对。
既然有 With a light heart,那么有没有 With a heavy heart 呢?答案是有的,意思当然就与 with a light heart 相反,指“心情沉重”。

90 He was in a cold sweat他出了一身冷汗。In a cold sweat是冒出冷汗的意思。

91 Love is blind.中文里有“爱情是盲目的说法”,英文里同样也有这种说法,这个句子就是这个意思   92 I had my puppy love in the university.我的初恋在大学时代。puppy love指初恋。puppy 是小狗,但这与爱情又有甚么关系呢?这是指小狗的爱情吗?事实上,Puppy love 与小狗是没有关系的,其正确意思就是指少男少女的第一次恋爱,亦即是“初恋”。大多数人的初恋都是甜蜜的,如我们可以说:Joseph’s puppy love took place at his age of sixteen and it brought him a sweet memory in his life.约瑟夫的初恋发生在他十六岁时,这段初恋成为他生命中甜美的回忆。此外,初恋除了可以用小狗来形容,也可以用上小牛( calf ),即 Calf love。例如我们可以说:Amy and Kenneth are serious about their calf love although they are still young.虽然艾米与肯尼思很年轻,但他们对这段初恋很认真。

93 Every dog has his day。凡人皆有得意日。常用来告诫人们不要小看他人。今天我们要给大家介绍的一个俗语是:Every dog has his day。Every dog has his day这个俗语的意思是:每个人总会有实现自己愿望的一天。下面的例子是关于一个作家找不到出版商出版他的作品,于是他的朋友就劝他:Okay, so this publisher sent back your manuscript. There are plenty of other publishers. You'll find one who'll buy it--remember, every dog has his day!这个朋友说:行了,就算这个出版商把你的手稿退了回来,那还有好多出版商呢。你会找到一个愿意接受你作品的出版商的。别忘了,人人都会有机会的

94。The new employee always drags his feet.那个新员工做事总是拖拖拉拉的。好多人在做一些事的时候会表现出拖拖拉拉,很不愿意的样子。美国人把这种现象称为:to drag one's feet。下面的例子是一个百货公司的雇员正在罢工,要求增加工资。这个公司的经理说:The union is dragging its feet on agreeing to a settlement. They think the company is getting desperate to get people back to work because Christmas is coming and that's our busiest time of year.工会拖拖拉拉地不肯就解决方案达成协议。他们认为,公司一定会迫不及待地要雇员回去工作,因为圣诞节快来了,这是我们一年最忙的时候。

95I feast my eyes on the arts in the museum.博物馆里的艺术品让我大饱眼福。世界各国的诗人写了好多诗来描写人的眼睛,有的把眼睛称为"灵魂的窗户",还有的说,人们通过眼睛所表达的语言在世界各处都是共同的。今天我们就来给大家介绍几个和眼睛有关的习惯用语。中文里有"饱尝眼福"的说法。美国英语里也有类似的习惯用语。其中之一就是to feast your eyes on。Feast的意思是:宴请,举行盛大的筵席,或使人得到享受等。宴请你的眼睛,使你的眼睛得到享受,实际上也就是"饱尝眼福"的意思。To feast your eyes on这个说法可以应用到各个方面,比如说看到美貌的女子,欣赏自然风光,观赏艺术作品等。To feast your eyes on还可以用在食品方面。我们下面来举个例子吧:I'm on diet trying to lose ten pounds, so I stopped to feast my eyes on the cakes in the bakery window, but resisted the temptation to go in and buy one to eat.我正在设法减肥,想减轻我的体重十磅。为此,我只是到那些面包房去饱饱眼福,但是尽量克制自己不进去买东西吃。"美国人很喜欢吃蛋糕、奶油、冰淇淋等甜食。但是目前人们对食品中的糖份很敏感,特别是体重超重的人,往往克制自己的食欲而避免吃蛋糕之类的甜食。偶然吃了一点还好像犯了什么错误一样。
96 Did you enjoy your flight?你的飞行旅途愉快吗?

97The thief was so luck to slip under the radar.那个小偷很幸运地逃过一劫。Slip under the radar的意思是go unnoticed。很多地方都有雷达(radar)自动测试并记录过往车辆的时速,如果哪辆车超速会被拍下来,之后车主就等着受罚。但雷达偶尔也有不保险的时候,明明违规的车辆却没有逮住。这种情况下,肇事车和司机就是slip under the radar。引申开去,凡是应该被注意,却没有被注意到的情况(通常是坏事)都可以叫slip under the radar。比如:It's unfair that some people always slip under the radar even though they don't deserve luck. Alas, life is never fair to begin with.有些人根本不应得到幸运女神的眷顾,但他们总有办法不被别人看到丑陋的一面。唉,生活本来就不公平。此外,还有一种意思相同的说法叫fly under the radar,显然比slip更常用。

98Are you ready to order or just a minute?你们要点餐了吗? 还是要再等一会?

99The naughty boy did not like to bear the brunt.那个淘气的男孩不愿接受指责。阅读时事新闻时,经常会见到Bear the brunt这个短语。Brunt指“矛头,冲突”,那么整句成语是什么意思呢?
Bear有忍受的意思,难道Bear the brunt的意思是“忍受矛头指向自己”吗?原来Bear the brunt是指“遭受到严重的打击”又或是“承受某些事物的冲击”,可以指被别人大声责骂,亦可以指发生天灾人祸。
看看例子吧:If we do something wrong, we have to bear the brunt and accept the punishment.如果我们做错了事,便必须要接受指责,并要接受惩罚。即使对方有错,我们也不要过分责备对方,Call someone’s name就是指大声责骂他人。
例如:Although the boys behaved badly the teacher should not call their names.虽然这些男孩子品行差劣,但老师也不应该大声辱骂他们。

100These things happen all the time.这是常有的事情









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