Accessing Services

作者:congxiang  于 2009-3-28 04:02 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


When you move to a new place, you may have to order electricity, water, telephone, Internet, and other services. Usually you can order these utilities by making a simple phone call. When you call, be prepared by having all the important information you need. You will have to explain the reason you are calling and give your name and address. You may also need to give your credit card information, your account number, and possibly your social security number or a password.

Often when you call for services, you will reach an automated voice system. You will need to listen carefully to make the correct choices. You may have to wait before you can talk with a customer service representative. If you cannot get help using the telephone, you can go to a customer service center in person. Talk with a customer service representative and explain your request. If he or she cannot help you, ask to speak with a supervisor.

When you talk with a customer service person on the phone or in person, be polite and clear about what you want. If you are upset about waiting a long time or angry about bad service, don't show it by shouting or being rude. This will not get you better service. Getting new services can be a frustrating experience if you have to wait, but most of the time it can be done very easily.









发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

1 回复 mzou 2009-3-28 05:01
"If you are upset about waiting a long time or angry about bad service, don't show it by shouting or being rude. This will not get you better service."
Sometimes, the biger company you need to help, the longer time you wait for service on the customer service phone.
Thanks for sharing.
1 回复 來美六十年 2009-3-28 12:10
I am old fashion. I like the old system talking to a human being
instead of a dummy (machine).
1 回复 marnifan 2009-3-28 13:00
well said.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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