
作者:唐康年  于 2014-3-10 10:24 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:小提琴家, 加拿大, 音乐家, 指挥家, 作曲家


唐康年先生是小提琴家、作曲家、指挥家、音乐社会活动家、原上海音乐家协会会员,现为加拿大作曲家协会会员(Member of SOCAN )。

      来加拿大前,在上海歌剧院工作,担任管弦乐队小提琴声部主要演奏员。担任由著名声乐艺术家任桂珍为艺术指导的、著名歌唱家桑守云为领队王可为副领队的“轻音乐会”专场指挥、作曲、配器等工作。期间为音乐会所创作的歌曲广受歌唱家欢迎和观众喜爱。例如《 十五的夜晚月色多美》 、《 雪花》 、《 卖花歌》 等。在这期间,还是上海专业声乐舞台上“男女声二重唱”曲目的主要作曲者。1980 月创作了大型剧目五幕抒情歌剧《 爱是希望》 的音乐,深受大学生们喜爱。1981 月创作了大型剧目六场喜歌剧《 三个女儿的婚事》 的音乐,也深受观众喜爱。在这期间还写下不少小提琴曲、小号曲等管弦乐曲。其中小提琴曲“满怀深情望北京”(与著名作曲家沈传薪合写)、“游击队歌”等也深受欢迎。

      1990年移居加拿大温哥华,在这十多年中同夫人小提琴家潘幸孩,先后成立了唐康年小提琴音乐室、唐康年音乐中心、有效地组织了教学、演出以及音乐创作活动。在教学中,成功培养出一批优秀学生,其中有年仅16 岁即获得ARCT 小提琴演奏家文凭的王崇源(Jackson Wong)加拿大全国小提琴比赛(CMC )八岁、九岁组连续两届冠军的廖柏雅(Kevin Liao )。

      在演出中,除了经常性的学生音乐会外,还创意、策划、举办、协办了许多大型文艺演出和世界水平的专场音乐会。其中有轰动性的“东方之恋一俞丽拿《 梁祝小提琴协奏曲》 大型文艺晚会”(香港无线电视台著名导演单慧珠得到消息,特地赶来拍摄其中精彩片段后,熔融到她编导的极受港人喜爱的《 情常在》 电视片中)。还有殷承宗、傅聪、刘诗昆、薛伟、胡晓平、周正、潘幸孩、李传韵、侯以嘉、陈曦等(按演出时间的先后排列)著名华人音乐家的独奏、独唱音乐会。

      在创作中,坚持不懈地创作了大量的不同形式的新作品,其中有《 北美西部音画)) ( A Journey Through the West )、《 新世纪新上海组歌))、《 苏州绝唱声乐套曲》 、系列小提琴独奏曲:《 无伴奏曲》 、《 用钢琴伴奏曲》 、《 用现代电子乐队伴奏曲))、《 用管弦乐队协奏曲),以及歌剧《 雷雨))和音乐剧《 激流岛上的歌声》 的音乐。


      20008    举办了深受观众欢迎和赞赏的《 魂牵梦绕》 唐康年创作沙龙音乐会

      20009    创意和协办了“东方之恋一俞丽拿《 梁祝小提琴协奏曲》 大型文艺 晚会”(由东方时报和加成移民顾问公司主办)

      20018    赴中国广州担任中国第五届全国少儿小提琴比赛的评委和特邀嘉宾

      20025    受中央电视台著名导演《 同一首歌》 制作人孟欣邀请,带领学生廖伯雅赴北京参加“六一”文艺晚会演出小提琴电子乐作品《 酒干倘卖无》 ,极受欢迎.

      200311   为了配合著名导演陈凯歌的电影《 和你在一起》 在加拿大公映,和中国驻温哥华总领事馆一起协办了《 和你在一起》李传韵小提琴独奏会(由大温哥华中华文化中心主办)

      200311   接受联邦国会议员梁陈明任亲自颁发加拿大联邦政府《音乐教育荣誉奖》(Recognition of Accomplishment and Contribution in   Music Education 

      20046  参与大型电视文化旅游专题节目《激情穿越枫叶之国》摄制工作并 接受专题采访

      20047   为了推动中国音乐,为了建立中国小提琴演奏学派,负责策划并和中国驻温哥华总领事馆,中国音乐家协会等八个单位一起协办《 当代中国小提琴作品演奏会》(由大温哥华中华文化中心主办)唐康年音乐监制,李传韵《 琴魂》 SACD 获得中国年度十大发烧唱片之一(难得一遇之弦乐珍品)


      2005年        唐康年音乐监制,李传韵《 琴魂》 SACD 获得中国年度十大发烧唱片之一(难得一遇之弦乐珍品)

      20067   获大温哥华中华文化中心颁发《艺术成就奖》

      2006      唐康年负责策划的《 当代中国小提琴作品音乐会》 (经芝加哥Bein & Fushi InC .制作成音乐会实况DVD 后成为一部音乐文献.亦被美国最著名的古典音乐乐评杂志之一Fanfare Magazine 选为2006 年度最好的五部古典音乐DVD 之一

      20068    赴中国无锡担任首届中国小提琴作品少儿全国比赛的评委

      20072  再次受《 同一首歌》 总导演孟欣的邀请,参加《同一首歌》 走进加拿大温哥华的演出。由唐康年音乐中心的七位小朋友演奏了小提琴三重合奏作品《龙的传人》,极受欢迎


       20083 温哥华举行由唐康年作曲及创意的"雷雨的故事"歌剧咏叹调音乐会, 极受欢迎

      20085 为汶川大地震“温哥华大型赈灾演出”谱写主题曲(词曲)《汶川依然是个美丽的地方》

      20094  中国著名女高音王作欣教授在温哥华举行“上海-温哥华《世博情意综艺晚会》”中演唱“Vancouver I Love You

      20097  受温哥华新时代传媒集团邀请担任2009新秀歌唱大赛总决赛评委

      20102  1310时中国中央电视台向二岸三地实况转播温哥华冬奥会开慕式 前,约950分先介绍了唐康年、潘幸孩全家后,CCTV五台,播放了由前方工作团在温哥华拍摄了唐康年词曲的“Vancouver I  Love You”,事后受到加拿大三级政要的祝贺。

      20102月 24日温哥华举行《唐康年新作音乐会——“加拿大组曲” 

      2011年 担任《水立方杯海外华裔青少年中文歌曲大赛》评委及《汉语桥中文歌曲赛》评委

      201210  世界华人周刊,整版报导穿越时空的乐章-小提琴曲《满怀深情望北京》诞生记。

      20138   著名音乐人徐山总监致信唐康年,以《勤耕不辍 好戏连台——致乐坛常青树唐康年先生》为题,热情赞扬了唐康年

Violinist, composer, conductor Tang Kangnian was formerly a member of the Shanghai Musicians Association and currently a member of the SOCAN in Canada. 

Before coming to Canada, he worked in the string section of Shanghai Opera as a first violin, composer and conductor. He was once assigned as conductor and composer for the famous Light Music Concert series, which comprised talented artists, such as the director Guizhen Ren, team leader Shouyun Song and deputy leader Ke Wang.  Among the songs created especially for these concerts and highly accredited by the professionals, as well as various audiences, were Beautiful Moonlight on a Mid-Autumn Day, and Snowflake. He also co-authored a series of vocal duets, which were performed on the professional stage in Shanghai. In May 1980, he composed for a grand lyric opera, Love is Hope. It became quite popular among local universities. The music for a six-episode opera, Marriages of My Three Daughters, which was high appreciated, was completed in February 1981. During this time, he wrote several significant orchestral work for violin and horn. One of the them, Thinking of Beijing, was a collaboration with Chuanxin Shen.

 In 1990, Tang emigrated to Canada. In that country, together with his violinist wife, Xinghai Pan, he established Tang's Music Centre and continued on teaching, composing and organizing important musical events. 

 Through his dedication in teaching, he trained several talented students. One student, Jackson Wong, was awarded ARCT diploma in violin performance by the Royal Conservatory of Music at the age of 16. Another one, Kevin Liao, won the champion at Canadian Music Centre violin competition twice.

 Besides organizing frequent concerts for his students, Tang staged many high-quality concerts.  He presented Lina Yu's distinguished performance of The Butterfly Lover violin concerto in 2002. The event was shot by HKTVB producer, Huizhu Ch

Summary of Recent Activities

Aug 2000   Various music productions and salon concerts

Sep 2000   Organized Lina Yu's special concert - The Butterfly Lover

            violin concerto

Aug 2001    Served as committee member and special guest of the 5th Guangzhou Chinese Youth Violin Competition

May 2002    Invited by CCTV director Xin Meng and participated in the Children's Day celebration in Beijing with his student Kevin Liao.Their performance was highly appraised

Nov 2003    Co-organized Chuanyun Li's violin solo concert with the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver and the Chinese Consulate General in Vancouver in promotion of Kaige Chen's award-winning film, Together

Nov 2003    Received Recognition of Accomplishment and Contribution in Music Education from Parliament of Canada

June 2004   Joined the production team of the tourism and culture television series “Driving Across The Maple Country with Great Passion” and was also featured in the finale of the series

Jul  2004   Co-organized Contemporary Chinese Violin Music Recitals with the Chinese Consulate General in Vancouver, Musicians Association of China and the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver

2005        Supervised Chuanyun Li's album, Spirit of Qin, which was selected as on one of the top ten albums of the year

Jul 2006    Presented the Artistic Accomplishment Award by Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver

Aug 2006    Served as committee member and special guest of the 1st Chinese Youth Violin competition

2006        Bein & Fushi Inc. recorded Contemporary Chinese Violin Works and released DVDs reviewed by Fanfare magazine as one of the top five classical music DVDs of the year

Feb 2007    Invited by CCTV director, Xin Meng, to participate in the  Chinese New Year Extravaganza The Same Song in Vancouver.  Seven students of Tang's Music Centre performed a violi    trio on the Legend of the Dragon

Mar 2008     Premiere Presentation in Vancouver of operaticarias from   Thunderstorm (based on Cao Yu's original tragedy)

May 2008     Lyricised and composed “Wenchuan is Still a Beautiful Place,” the main theme for the Wenchuan Earthquake Relief  Fundraising Concert, held in the Vancouver Orpheum Theatre

Apr. 2009     Professor Wang Zuoxin, a famous Chinese soprano, sang “Vancouver I Love You” on the “Vancouver-EXPO-Shanghai” Variety Show held in Vancouver

July 2009     Invited by Vancouver Fairchild Media Group to act as a judge on the 2009 Chinese New Talent Singing Championship finale

Feb.13, 2010  Around 09:50, after a special introduction to Tang’s family, and right before CCTV’s 10:00 live broadcasting of the Opening Ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, the music video of “Vancouver I Love You” was broadcasted worldwide via CCTV-5. The broadcast of Tang’s video was highly praised by all three levels of the Canadian government

Feb. 2010    “Canada Suites”, Kenny Tang’s New Works Concert was held on the 24th

2011       Judge, Water Cube Cup Overseas Chinese Youth Singing Competition; Judge, “Chinese Bridge” Mandarin Singing  Contest

Oct. 2012     “The Story of the Birth of Thinking of Beijing with Great Passion” was featured in the article A Musical Movement through Time and Space on a full page spread in the World Chinese Weekly

Aug. 2013     Well-known music critic Sam Xu wrote a letter highly-praising Tang, entitled “The Fruits of Your Hard WorkTo Mr. Kenny Tang, the Evergreen Tree in the Music World”










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