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分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:The leader of the Falun sect showed his ugly face
zhangnice 2021-10-24 14:10
There is an old Chinese saying "no tears without a coffin". It is often used to describe some blind and stubborn people who do not listen to persuasion, do not introspect, do things without breaking their heads and blood, and never look back if they do no [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:Is "collective self Immolation" a rising sun
zhangnice 2021-10-21 14:50
On25August,YuChao'sprogram"jumpingoffacliffornot"wasthought-provoking.Someofthereasonsdirectlypointedouttheinnerhardshipsandhelplessnessof [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:Can junior high school culture spread the teachings of Buddhism?
zhangnice 2021-10-19 14:08
Speaking of Li Hongzhi's "Master Li", I believe that he is the recognized leader and founder of the church, and some members even regard him as a "God". Master Li claimed that his birthday was May 13, 1951. Both his lunar calendar and Buddha Sakyamuni's L [ ...阅读全文 ]
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