老美看美国 (1):中国,你在看吗?------中国应从美国金融危机中吸取的教训 ...

作者:丹奇  于 2008-10-15 21:32 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村





作者: 罗杰 Roger Snyder 翻译: 罗玲




























Lessons China learn from the U.S. financial meltdown


Roger Snyder ( US)



It hasn’t been that long ago that China was a controlled centralized economy. However, in the past thirty years China has made great strides in opening up its economy to the world and to its citizens as well. This opening up has brought hundreds of millions of its own people out of poverty and into a consumer driven world economy with televisions, cell phones and automobiles. It has increased its literacy rate to one of the highest in the world and seen the life span of its people increase enormously. Its agricultural development of grains, meats and aquatic products has been stellar. These are all good things for China and its people. It creates wealth as well as raises the standard of living of its citizens.


However, as China peers at the U.S. from half a world away and watches our financial meltdown they have to feel concerned about how it will affect them since their largest export market (the USA) may be entering a prolonged economic recession. I would advise China you should be concerned.


However, I would strongly urge China that the long term concern isn’t the financial mess we’ve made for ourselves but rather how China can avoid such messes of its own in the future.


China’s financial markets have been opened for sometime with the advent of their own stock markets, the creation of financials like bonds and debt instruments and huge sovereign wealth funds to invest foreign currency holdings (mainly dollars and euro’s) in the USA and Europe. Some of those investments have turned out to be exceptionally poor investments. What lesson can be learned there?


The first lesson would be NOT to follow the U.S. example and deregulate the financial markets so much and not allow financial institutions to create such complex financial markets that in the end nobody, even the creators, knows exactly what is going on. While as a U.S. trained economist I understand business and all the different social metrics of an economy and believe in free markets – I only believe in free markets to a certain degree. The markets need regulating not only to protect consumers but also the creators of the market as well. Capitalism is good. Unregulated capitalism can be an absolute disaster – as the USA has been showing us for the past 2 years or so.


The second lesson for China would be to main a layer of agencies over its banking system to protect its depositors from bad decisions of the bank leaders. People can only steal so much money. However, if they’re making bad investment decisions they can lose it all – just like Lehman Brothers – and it can all be gone very quickly, literally into thin air as if it never existed.


The third lesson for China would be to create solid credit decision models for its citizens and businesses so that banks ( and the regulating agencies ) would have a systematic approach to making loan decisions that is based on historical precedence. The USA has great models on this. However, the USA problems started when we created “new” models ( SUBPRIME LOANS ) which had no historical precedent to gauge if the loans being made would be repaid, how much interest to charge for the loan, and how to insure the loan ( which is what brought AIG down ). Essentially, the USA had a great model, but our ‘GREED’ and the buckets of money being pored into the markets had to go somewhere so the Wall Street “experts” created SUBPRIME LOANS – because of the “deregulation” of the financial markets. The markets are now failing because there was no history on how those loans would perform. It’s a little like being a life insurance company but you have no data on how long someone will live. So, you charge the same price for life insurance to someone 80 years old as you would to someone 30 years old. The obvious is obvious. You’ll lose money on the 80 year old for sure. Well, basically this is what happened in the subprime market.


The fourth lesson for China would be to utilize their massive foreign currency holdings ( dollars, euro’s and yen ) in their own infrastructure. You never go wrong with an investment in yourself and you avoid the chance that someone else will lose money for you – as has happened with investments in the USA. China, with its massive foreign currency treasure has a great opportunity to utilize the wonderful intelligence of its citizenry to be the world leader in creating technologies for alternative energy sources.



While I am a proud citizen of these United States of America, and my father fought the Japanese for 4 years in the Philippines to end their oppression and aggression in the region (mainly in China) I am disappointed in our leadership and the affect that the poor leadership will have on millions and millions of Americans and others around the world with our mishandling of these economic issues.


I say to China, you have a wonderful chance to see “unbridled” capitalism at its worst by witnessing the financial upheavals the USA is experiencing. Learn from it. You won’t regret it. As an economic power yourself you owe it to your citizens, and indeed the world, to not repeat the mistakes we have made.











发表评论 评论 (11 个评论)

1 回复 mohe1118 2008-10-15 22:50
7 回复 罗玲 2008-10-15 23:14
mohe1118: 二罗一席话 四两拨千钧 中国看老美 边学边改进
2 回复 罗玲 2008-10-15 23:15
mohe1118: 二罗一席话 四两拨千钧 中国看老美 边学边改进
2 回复 谐和。 2008-10-17 00:27
1 回复 一个傻瓜 2008-10-18 05:11

要不,你先生在奥巴马内阁中谋个国务院远东事务方面的职位,这样你们会对美中两国贡献更多。 我看民主党至少可以执政八年。 你完全可以回北京去美国驻华大使馆担任一个文化事务助理之类的,然后扮演更重要的角色(那些职务都要Security Clerance,大概要一些时间)。 你的才华和风韵在休斯顿华人社区完全给埋没了。这里的舞台太小。
1 回复 无天无法 2008-10-19 14:12
2 回复 罗玲 2008-10-19 20:25
一个傻瓜: 罗玲,你应该鼓励你先生辞去美国的这一份差事,去给下一届中国政府做高级政治和经济顾问。 要不,你先生在奥巴马内阁中谋个国务院远东事务方面的职位,这
1 回复 罗玲 2008-10-19 20:25
无天无法: 我完全同意"傻瓜"小姐的说法,你们夫妻俩很有深谋远虑呢!值得一试。
1 回复 罗玲 2008-10-19 20:26
谐和。: 谢谢罗玲的翻译。很好:) 我帮你转到其它论坛去了, 让更多的中国人看到:)
3 回复 谐和。 2008-10-20 00:02
7 回复 h1pan 2008-10-20 02:51
Great idea!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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