I hate this job (2)

作者:深秋的云  于 2007-4-6 23:03 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


My boss is from a wealthy family. Life has been playing easy on him over most of people. Surprisingly yet, he’s also well-known for his ungenerousity to his employees. Getting a raise like fighting a battle, you have to fight and fight and fight. Fight very hard to own something you deserved in the first place. Taking one penny out of his pocket makes him want you to work double hard to pay it back.


There is a story I heard from my coworker, from which you may get an idea what a character he is.  My coworker’s husband works for air Canada. He came up to her one day, says he will be going away two weeks later on a trip to Europe with his wife. They have booked 2 tickets on the internet. Now he wants her husband upclass them from economic to business. What a joke! He even refused to pay her two weeks paid vacation on her maternity leave. Now he asks her a favor with a ridiculous excuse.  What a cheap bastard! That is what her husband called him.  Touché!










发表评论 评论 (1 个评论)

0 回复 carpe.diem 2009-5-3 04:26
look for another job.  move on.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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