美国寻医指南之三 ---- 看医生怎样才能最有效?

作者:remote  于 2009-2-28 01:13 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



美国寻医指南之三 ---- 看医生怎样才能最有效?







 看医生时,你要回答一些重要问题,这样医生可以和你一起制定出诊疗方案。在看医生之前,自己做一些表格,可以有助于你主动与医生合作, 使你在看医生的有限时间里达到最好的效果。要让医生看出你很在意自己,也作了充分的准备。这样医生会对你另眼相看的。



·         新问题或症状


·         对已有问题的再访


·         第一次看医生


·         常规体检


·         小孩的常规体检








如果你的医生要和你讨论新的药物,检查,手术或特殊治疗, 请用下列相应表格。 这些表格可以帮助你理解其作用和重要性。如果在看医生前没做这些表格,也可在回家后完成。

·         新药 


·         检查 


·         手术 


·         特殊治疗 



另外,带上你的医疗保险能够报销的药物清单 formulary.






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Making the Most of Your Appointment - Overview


Many people are more satisfied with their health care if they share the responsibility with their health professionals. Your health professional is an expert on medical care, but you are the expert on yourself. Often there is more than one option for diagnosing or treating a condition. By being a partner with your health professional, you can help choose the option that best fits your values, beliefs, and lifestyle. You also will feel more confident about carrying out the chosen treatment.

Here are some tips for being a good partner with your health professional:

  • Build a relationship with your health professional. Let your health professional know that you want to be a partner in your health care. Tell the health professional what your expectations are.
  • Be an active participant in each appointment. Listen carefully to what your health professional says. If you do not understand a diagnosis or treatment, ask questions. Tell the health professional if you do not think that you can carry out the prescribed treatment.
  • Prepare your child for tests and exams. Let your child know why he or she is seeing a health professional and what will be done during the visit. Your child's age and developmental level will determine how best to prepare him or her.
What is the reason for your appointment?

During your appointment, you will need to answer some important questions so that you and your health professional can plan your care together. Completing the appropriate forms before the appointment helps you provide correct and complete information, take an active role in your health care decisions, and make the most of your limited appointment time.

Choose the form that best describes your reason for seeing the health professional.

Reason for appointment Form to complete
Helpful forms

A new problem or symptom

New appointment (What is a PDF document?)

Follow-up to a previous problem

Follow-up appointment (What is a PDF document?)

First appointment with this health professional

First appointment (What is a PDF document?)

Appointment for an ongoing health problem

Regular checkup (What is a PDF document?)

Appointment for a child who is healthy

Regular checkup for a child (What is a PDF document?)

Do you take medicines?

If you take prescription or nonprescription medicines, including herbal remedies or vitamins, bring all your medicines with you to any appointment with a health professional. If you cannot bring the medicines, bring a list of the medicines that you take(What is a PDF document?) .

What other forms might be helpful?

If you and your health professional are going to discuss a new medicine, medical test, surgery, or special treatment, choose a form from the following list. Then fill in your information, and take the form with you to your visit. Completing the form will help you understand the importance of the treatment your health professional is advising for your health condition. If you do not have the form at the time of your visit, complete the form at home after the visit.

Also, bring a copy of your health plan's list of covered prescription drugs-also known as a formulary.

What do you need to do after the appointment?

Update the medical records that you keep at home. For more information, see the topic Home Medical Records.










发表评论 评论 (11 个评论)

1 回复 四合院的闲人 2009-2-28 01:20
1 回复 remote 2009-2-28 01:21
四合院的闲人: 谢谢!收藏啦!辛苦了!
1 回复 ww_719 2009-2-28 06:22
1 回复 remote 2009-2-28 09:16
ww_719: 太全面了...很不错,,..好好学习!!!!谢谢!!!!!!!!
1 回复 ww_719 2009-2-28 09:56
remote: 下次去看医生前,先好好做Homework。
1 回复 水影儿 2009-2-28 10:22
1 回复 卫灵 2009-2-28 11:40
非常感谢.这些看起来是常识,当需要时, 如果不知道真不行. 您真是为大家做了件好事. 再次感谢. :))
1 回复 remote 2009-2-28 16:33
水影儿: 谢谢啦
1 回复 remote 2009-2-28 16:34
卫灵: 非常感谢.这些看起来是常识,当需要时, 如果不知道真不行. 您真是为大家做了件好事. 再次感谢. :))
1 回复 inor12 2009-3-1 03:30
看上去非常有用.  就是挺复杂啊.

就是要自已管理啦, 让医生提供专家建议.
1 回复 remote 2009-3-1 06:32
inor12: 看上去非常有用.  就是挺复杂啊.

就是要自已管理啦, 让医生提供专家建议.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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