
作者:joyce1  于 2009-10-11 12:44 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



1,It reminds me of a memorable thing.
2,I didn’t know why he could make little of what I was saying.  He must misunderstand me pronounce /kᴂs/ to /kis/.
3,I thought maybe the English I had learned in china was quite different with native English speakers.
4,So now I take speech class in ELAC to learn well the pronunciation.
5,Now, I practice more English listening skills.  Every day I watch English movies, I speak more English to the others and I listen to them carefully.  I hope one day I will speak fluent English.
6,For example, a sentence in English is “What is your name?” but the same meaning in Chinese is “Your name is what?”
7,I must find a good way to do well it even though I know this way is very hard.  Then I will resolve the problems of English.
 8,According to this, if I want to raise my English skills, I have to pay my attention to all the English classes.









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1 回复 snortbsd 2009-10-11 13:00
just be quick:

the word "memorable" means something worthy of remembering. so not sure what you are trying to say but logically the sentence doesn't seem to make sense.

for 2, a lot of different ways you can use to express what you are trying to say. but "make little of..." should be "make little out of ...".. such as: "i can make little out of what you are saying"==="i understand very little for what you are saying"...
2 回复 snortbsd 2009-10-11 13:00
keep going, you are doing very well...
1 回复 marnifan 2009-10-11 13:23
1. It brings some valuable memories to me. (不太懂你要说什么,也许是这个意思)
2. I didn't know why he couldn't understand what I was saying. Maybe it was because of my accent.
3. I thought the English I learnt in China was quite different from a native English speaker.
4. So I take Speech class now at ELAC to improve my pronunciation.
5. Nowadays I practice as much as I can to improve my listening skills and my spoken English, I watch English movies everyday, I talk to people in English and try to understand them. I hope one day I will speak fluent English.
6. For example in Chinese, instead of asking "what is your name?" we would say "Your name is what".
7. 不太明白你的意思,改不了
8. I have to pay attention to all English classes to improve my English.
2 回复 homepeace 2009-10-11 13:45
marnifan: 1. It brings some valuable memories to me. (不太懂你要说什么,也许是这个意思)
2. I didn't know why he couldn't understand what I was saying. Maybe it
7. 虽然很难,我也一定要设法攻克它,这样才能解决我的英语问题。
7. Although it is difficult, I must try to overcome, so my English will get improved.
2 回复 marnifan 2009-10-11 13:47
homepeace: 7. 虽然很难,我也一定要设法攻克它,这样才能解决我的英语问题。
7. Although it is difficult, I must try to overcome, so my English will get improve.
谢谢! 你真行。高高手!!
1 回复 homepeace 2009-10-11 13:48
marnifan: 谢谢! 你真行。高高手!!
2 回复 marnifan 2009-10-11 13:49
homepeace: 汗!
2 回复 clearlotus1998 2009-10-11 13:52
joyce: 你最好把你要表达的8 句中文写出来,这样大家才可以“ 对症下药”,
村里不要说高手如云,几个 臭皮匠, 也能出两个小诸葛。
2 回复 homepeace 2009-10-11 13:54
marnifan: 别CHIAN虚
1 回复 marnifan 2009-10-11 13:55
clearlotus1998: joyce: 你最好把你要表达的8 句中文写出来,这样大家才可以“ 对症下药”,
村里不要说高手如云,几个 臭皮匠, 也能出两个小诸葛。
2 回复 marnifan 2009-10-11 13:57
homepeace: 7. 虽然很难,我也一定要设法攻克它,这样才能解决我的英语问题。
7. Although it is difficult, I must try to overcome, so my English will get improve.
别生CHI哈,"so my English will get improve" - 不是这么说的. get and improve are both verbs. it shoud be "get improved". 你是不是忘了打ED了
2 回复 homepeace 2009-10-11 14:01
marnifan: 别生CHI哈,"so my English will get improve" - 不是这么说的. get and improve are both verbs. it shoud be "get improved". 你是不是忘
2 回复 marnifan 2009-10-11 14:04
homepeace: 对,谢了!
2 回复 clearlotus1998 2009-10-11 14:11
joyce: 你要坚持下去,精神可嘉!我们生在中国,习惯于用汉语思考,但我们的下一代他们就是在用英语或法语等本土语言思考, “小妹:大胆的朝前走! 报酬你不用愁,哥们们前世都欠你的,世上好人我们村 成群 结队,有 9千九百九十九!”
2 回复 joyce1 2009-10-11 14:42
2,我不知道他为何会听不明我在说什么,他一定误会我将 /kᴂs/发音发成了  /kis/.
6,例如,英文句子"What is your name?" 但中文就译成了“Your name is what?"
2 回复 joyce1 2009-10-11 14:46
clearlotus1998: joyce: 你要坚持下去,精神可嘉!我们生在中国,习惯于用汉语思考,但我们的下一代他们就是在用英语或法语等本土语言思考, “小妹:大胆的朝前走! 报酬你不用愁
2 回复 joyce1 2009-10-11 14:48
snortbsd: keep going, you are doing very well...
THANK YOU!有时我也真自卑的。
1 回复 joyce1 2009-10-11 14:48
marnifan: 1. It brings some valuable memories to me. (不太懂你要说什么,也许是这个意思)
2. I didn't know why he couldn't understand what I was saying. Maybe it
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-10-11 23:17
joyce1: 哎,我也太迟钝了,怎么我就想不起呢,我这就把中文写出来:
2,我不知道他为何会听不明我在说什么,他一定误会我将 /kᴂs/发音

it reminds me something/ it reminds me one thing...

2,我不知道他为何会听不明我在说什么,他一定误会我将 /kᴂs/发音发成了  /kis/.

i didn't know why the hell he could not understand what i was saying. he must mistake my pronunciation of /kᴂs/ for /kis/.


i think the english i learnt in china is a bit different from what i have been learning at here.


that is reason/why i take the course of "speech" at ELAC to improve my pronunciation.

5. now i watch movies in enlish everyday to practice my listening skills. i speak english daily to others, listen carefully to what they are saying. hopefully one day i can speak english fluently.

6,例如,英文句子"What is your name?" 但中文就译成了“Your name is what?"

for instance, the sentence of ""What is your name?" in english would be  “Your name is what?” in chinese.


though it would be difficult/hard, i must find the way to master english.

(not sure what you trying to say in the rest of chinese. the logic is that you wouldn't have problems with english if you master the language)


therefore i must pay attention to every class of the course in order to improve my english pronunciation.
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-10-11 23:22
joyce1: THANK YOU!有时我也真自卑的。
my pleasure....

no reason to be 自卑, everyone has own niche in this world....

but you need at least adequate english skill to survive in the states. you are working on it and doing well....

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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