The story of the two sweet kids :)

作者:瓷娃娃ChinaDoll  于 2012-1-4 08:20 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


                                                  Chapter One-Introduction                                                                                                           In a quiet little town name Collasidys...
There was a young girl name Riley Eden,she was a very sweet 9 year old.And across her street,lived a boy named Percy Jackson(LOL not that boy from the book/movie) .Percy was also a sweet handsome boy,but 10 years old.Riley,of course had liked Percy since 1st grade when they both met at recess.Percy,also like Riley but Riley didn't know,Percy knew Riley liked him,because on every Valentines day,Riley would give Percy 10 valentines.Percy,would always give her 3,only because he ran out of valentines alot.Percy had brownish black hair and Riley had the same color hair.They both had light skin.Everyday they would go to school,and the school they went to was Brownson Elementary School.Percy was in 4th grade and Riley was in 3rd.









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1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:26
I just made up the town name,it sounded weird.Pronouncation: Co-Lass-I-Dees  
1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:26
I  mean Co-Lass-Eh-Dees
1 回复 云间鹤 2012-1-4 08:30
Good story! keep going !
1 回复 fanlaifuqu 2012-1-4 08:32
Go ahead to like but don't be too sad when something happen.
1 回复 oneweek 2012-1-4 08:32
1 回复 白露为霜 2012-1-4 08:34
Percy is not a horse?
1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:38
白露为霜: Percy is not a horse?
No hahhahaha he is in books and movies,the books I know are: Percy Jackson and the Olympians-The lightning theif ,and the Titan's Curse. It would be nice,though.
1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:38
oneweek: 很好henhao
1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:38
fanlaifuqu: Go ahead to like but don't be too sad when something happen.
Okay!I'm writing chapter two right now!
1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 08:39
云间鹤: Good story! keep going !
I am!    writing chapter two!
1 回复 yulinw 2012-1-4 09:19
1 回复 kingoftheworld 2012-1-4 09:23
do they finally fall in love with each other? and should they get married?
1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 09:47
kingoftheworld: do they finally fall in love with each other? and should they get married?
They will,but I'm not sure about the get married part...
1 回复 kingoftheworld 2012-1-4 10:09
瓷娃娃ChinaDoll: They will,but I'm not sure about the get married part...
marriage means responsibility. that is too much for now.  a beautiful love story is not always marriage oriented.  so no worry about it for now.
1 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 10:18
yulinw:    咦?不是说练中文么?
1 回复 yulinw 2012-1-4 10:46
瓷娃娃ChinaDoll: 对不起,有一个人让我写英文。
1 回复 RidgeWalker 2012-1-4 10:47
A novelist is born.
1 回复 xqw63 2012-1-4 12:17
Love Story?

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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