The story of the two sweet kids (Chapter 3)

作者:瓷娃娃ChinaDoll  于 2012-1-4 08:52 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


                                                               Chapter3-Saturday Fun

Today is saturday!Riley loved Saturdays,the only reason is because she gets to go to the park with Percy.So today,they got a sandwich and juice and put some snacks in a lunch box and got a bicycle.They were going to ride their bike to the park and eat there.So,they left and had fun at the park.Percy brought a soccer ball and Riley brought a camera.Percy asked Riley if she would play soccer with him,and Riley said,"Okay,but we'll eat in a little bit,okay?"And Percy replied,"Alright!".After a while of soccer,they ate their lunch and after lunch Riley took pictures of them two playing and Riley even recorded videos of them having lots of fun!So,thats how the Saturdays happen to be like,.

Going to continue chapter four later or tomorrow.









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2 回复 fanlaifuqu 2012-1-4 09:14
I am not a English writer but still curious that there should be a space after period?
3 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-4 10:24
fanlaifuqu: ChinaDoll,
I am not a English writer but still curious that there should be a space after period?
2 回复 卉樱果 2012-1-4 10:29
they had a good time on Saturday~
2 回复 RidgeWalker 2012-1-4 10:43
It seems the tenses are messed up.  Either present tense or literary present tense (past tense).
1 回复 oneweek 2012-1-4 11:10
You are a fantastic writer
Ni shi yi ge weida de zuojia
3 回复 leahzhang 2012-1-4 11:43
    A great writer in the future!
2 回复 xoyuanfen 2012-1-4 11:54
好娃娃, 努力哦!
2 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-5 10:01
卉樱果: they had a good time on Saturday~
2 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-5 10:03
oneweek: You are a fantastic writer
Ni shi yi ge weida de zuojia
2 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-5 10:04
leahzhang:      A great writer in the future!
Oh, thank you very much!
1 回复 leahzhang 2012-1-5 10:38
瓷娃娃ChinaDoll: Oh, thank you very much!
u r very welcome!
2 回复 oneweek 2012-1-5 10:55
瓷娃娃ChinaDoll: 谢谢猪猪,我还在学。
That sounds like your mom
1 回复 丹奇 2012-1-9 04:05
good story!
2 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-9 07:54
oneweek: That sounds like your mom
My mom told me your name is Zhu zhu.
2 回复 瓷娃娃ChinaDoll 2012-1-9 07:55
丹奇: good story!
Thank you!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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