
作者:LaoQian  于 2015-6-19 02:58 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村





Whatever endeavor I attempt in life, I must know "WHY"before I search for "HOW".

I think I owe all the supporters "Why" I'm running forJC city council, and hopefully this will clarify the "why".

我认为我需要向所有的支持者解释清楚,我为什么要竞选Johns Creek市议员的席位。

Dear all, I want to first thank all of you who have supported my decision to run for the JC city council seat. My wife and I are grateful for all the support and encouraging words that you have either posted on WeChat, through phone calls, emails or spoken face to face.


As a first-generation Chinese-American, I can relate to the many challenges that you face on a day-to-day basis; I remember standing in line at fast food restaurants struggling verbally to place my order; I remember walking into a country gas station and receiving funny looks because the gas station owners have never seen an Asian come through the door; I remember how doctor visits and insurance paperwork can ruin a day. But I've made some decisions: I was not going to let the language barrier become my roadblock to"success"; I was not going to let others' distorted views about my Chinese heritage hinder my confidence to be the best that I can be.

作 为一个第一代美国的华裔,我经历过你每天所面临的生活挑战。我依然还记得,当年在速食店里拙口笨舌的点餐过程;我也记得,当我走进一个乡村的加油站时面对 店主奇怪的眼神,因为当地人从未见过亚洲人。我记得光是去看个病,或是处理保险公司的单据,就足以把我的一天搞得一团糟。但是我仍然下定了一个决心,就是 不让语言障碍阻止我迈向成功的脚步;我更不会因为他人对华裔的偏见,击垮我迈向卓越的信心。

By the Grace of God, I received Christ on Nov 02, 1997; It has profoundly changed my perspective in life and this land that we now called home: America, the land of the free, and the home of the brave. I fell in love with the passion of our founding fathers who are the authors of our constitution and who pioneered the paths and shed their blood for the liberty and freedom that we now enjoy.


Over the years, I have realized that "success" is a moving target: no two individuals can give the same definition of success. My life goal has evolved from "success"to "significance"; I know that I need to be "on a mission" for a worthy cause.

Entering public service is one of those decisions that I considered to be a "worthy cause".


For nearly 3 decades, things have changed and progressed. We can easily find Chinese speaking doctors, insurance agents and many other professions that can cater to our needs. Despite all the progress, there is avoid in public service. Lack of participation in the political process resulted in lack of representation in the political realm. During the 2014 congressional election, a group of friends and I supported congressman Jody Hice for the 10thdistrict congressional election and he was elected to office to serve his first term as the 10th district US congressman. A true conservative congressman who is more concerned about serving his constituents by staying true to conservative values and the Constitution than re-election. I was encouraged by Jody and many other friends to run for JC City Council, and after extensive discussions with family and friends, I decided to run for the position.

最近三十年来环境在变化,时代也在进步。现在会讲中文的医生、保险经纪以及其他各行各业的专业人士已经随处可见,但是在公共服务的领域这方面还是空白华人在政治活动方面的缺席,自然造成华裔族群在政治领域失去代表性。在2014 年的国会大选中,我和一群朋友支持Jody Hice在国会第10区选区的竞选,结果他被成功选为第10区美国国会议员,并开始了他的第一个任期。作为一个真正的保守派议员,他最关心的是如何本着保 守的价值观更好地为选民服务,而不是在意自己的位子能不能连任。在Jody和其他朋友的鼓舞下,并与家人和朋友多次讨论后,我决定参选Johns Creek 市议员。

It is not an impulsive decision nor a self-serving decision. My prayer and hope is to serve the citizens of Johns Creek with my utmost ability and capacity to make this city that we now call home a better place to live and to raise our family. And through the process, we can encourage more younger Chinese Americans to participate and to represent our community.

我的这个参选决定,既不是出于冲动也不是出于私心。我祈祷并希望尽我本人最大的所能,竭诚服务Johns Creek市的公民,使这个我们所定居的的城市成为更美好的家园。我也希望这次选举过程,可以鼓励更多年轻的华裔参与政治活动,为社区做出更大贡献。










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2 回复 來美六十年 2015-6-19 10:58
3 回复 LaoQian 2015-6-19 11:46
來美六十年: 絕對支持,預祝成功

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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