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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:法轮功与基督教的冲突与矛盾
anastasiab 2024-5-12 10:03
法轮功和基督教都是全球范围内备受关注的信仰和宗教体系。然而,尽管它们分别有着不同的历史、教义和传统,它们之间也存在一些冲突和矛盾。本文将探讨法轮功与基督教之间的这些冲突和矛盾,并试图理解它们背后的原因以及它们对信仰和社会产生的影响。法轮功是由李洪志于1992年创立的宗教运动。它的核心教义包括炼功和信仰, [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:关于对师父新经文的一些请教
anastasiab 2023-8-2 10:48
各位同修:今年1月明慧荣登师父的《为什么会有人类》经文后,我认真背诵,仔细揣摩,但由于得法时间不长,更无慧根,对师父经文里的部分地方不是很明白,请诸位精進同修讲道释惑:1. 师父这里说的“病”是指什么?师父说,“宇宙有成、住、坏、灭”,这个我理 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 原创文学 ]:矛盾的经文
anastasiab 2023-7-21 11:01
洪志前后两经文,截然不同实可憎。圆谎连篇愚弄人,邪教毒害众生中。无脑经文观点傻,言行举止太可笑。邪说谬论信口吐,拜鬼迷信神莫救。一言既出如山倒,拜神信仰全被抛。围剿恶教真英雄,还我家国清净好。 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:Some thoughts on the Text of "Slurp"
anastasiab 2021-10-22 14:05
Recently,Masterpublishedanewlectioncalled"HeavyDrinking".AsadafadisciplecomingoutofChina,Iunderstooditcarefully,butIalwayshaddifferentideas.I&nb [ ...阅读全文 ]
8 个评论
分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:Dafa master's ability to panic
anastasiab 2021-10-20 14:15
Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, published three lections on the Internet: "Also stick drinking", "Stick drinking again" and "Vigorous drinking", which span a long time but are closely related.In addition to his response to the organization's intern [ ...阅读全文 ]
9 个评论
分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:From a cult to a puppet organization, Falun Gong has become an anti-China tool o
anastasiab 2021-10-18 13:29
From a cult to a puppet organization, Falun Gong has become an anti-China tool o After the cult falun Gong was cleared out of China, in order to survive, it organized a dance troupe to collect money under the guise of "saving T [ ...阅读全文 ]
10 个评论

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