俄国战机轰炸ISIS Russian warplane bombing ISIS

作者:转折点  于 2020-10-22 07:56 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


俄国战机轰炸ISIS Russian warplane bombing ISIS

今天看新闻俄国战机被土耳其击落,理由是进入土耳其领空. 中东中亚那么多橙色革命,唯有土耳其平安无事, 应该有其道理!叙利亚的难民多数进入的是欧洲. 如果土耳其也深受难民连累之苦,应该不会反对俄国打击ISIS. 普京和欧盟各国现在联手用地毯式轰炸ISIS, 打痛了谁的神经,而且谁正一直希望引发一场战争, 记得我以前的哈佛MBA朋友告诉我,每一次战争对美国都是有利的. 既远离国土, 又可以带动武器销售, 一乱资本都朝另外大陆跑, 破坏了当地经济. 而且不破不立吗, 这样一来外来势力就比较容易入侵. 而普京所显示出来的强势介入中东地域政治, 可能也让当地政权感到不爽(不是主要原因). 这是有备而来的, 所以才会有击落军机和击毙跳伞飞行员的事件, 都已经跳伞了.

Today, Russian warplane was shot down by Turkey, as they entered Turkish airspace. There are so many orange revolutions in the Middle East and Central Asia, and only Turkey is peaceful, there should be a reason! Most of the Syrian refugees are entering Europe. If Turkey is also deeply affected by the refugees, it should not oppose Russia's fight against ISIS. Putin and the EU countries are now joining forces to bomb ISIS like carpet covering, which hurts someone’s nerves, that someone always hope to trigger a war. I remember that my former Harvard MBA friend told me that every war is good for the United States. It is far from the American mainland and can lead to big sale of weapons. A chaotic situation pushes capital escape to other continents and destroys the local economy. And no broken, no newly setup, so that foreign forces are more likely to invade. And Putin’s strong involvement in regional politics in the Middle East may also make the local governments feel uncomfortable (not the main reason). This is well prepared, so for the incidents of shooting down military aircraft and killing skydiving pilots who have already parachuted.好戏现在要开演了, 现在要看普京怎么演. 普京轰炸ISIS, 受欧洲各国一致支持. 我看在现在的情况下,普京是不是有智慧, 也得到受ISIS影响而不得安宁的伊斯兰国家的支持?普京能不能有大智慧, 不要直接立马和土耳其对抗,忍一忍,但是想方法和他们达成协议,向世人公布他们的航线,同时告知世人, 他的目的是轰炸ISIS而不是别国. 如果有别的战机, 挡道, 那俄国战机也会格杀勿论. 你把道义和法则放在前面,别人做什么都是理亏的,那你再动手就得道多助. 我想土耳其心底里, 也是没有勇气和普京对着干的. 因为他不是ISIS, 充其量制造一点麻烦. 而别人要他干, 是为了借机制造战争的,土耳其那么傻,要去把自己国家和人民陷入战争吗? 如果土耳其要原油,俄国也可以卖给他. 其实我也很希望看到中亚中东地区先大大地闹腾一阵子,把精力全发泄出来,有钱也多撒一下. 等大家,所有大家,感到精疲力竭的时候,再去描画梦想收取民心也不迟,而且到时就容易得多. 就像小孩子白天要让他多玩,晚上才会好好睡觉不折腾你. :) Jackie, 晚上好好睡觉!

The good drama is about to start now. Now it’s time to see how Putin plays. Putin bombed ISIS, which is unanimously supported by European countries. I think in the current situation, is Putin wise enough get supports from Islamic countries who suffered from ISIS are not peaceful?Can Putin have great wisdom, don't fight directly against Turkey, and endure it, instead think of ways to reach an agreement with them, to announce their routes to the world, and inform the world that his purpose is to bomb ISIS instead of other countries. If there are other fighters, in the way, Russian fighters will kill right away. You put morality and the law in the front, whatever others do is wrong, then what you do can get more help. I think deep in the heart of Turkey, there is no courage confront against Putin. Because Turkey is not ISIS, at most is to create a little trouble for Russia. And others want Turkey to do so, in order to take the opportunity to create war. Turkey is stupid enough, to let country and people go to war. If Turkey wants crude oil, Russia can also sell it to him. In fact, I also hope that the Central Asian Middle East will be greatly troubled for a while, and all the energy will be vented out, and spread more money. Let everyone, everyone, feels extremely exhausted, now it’s not too late to draw a dream to collect people’s hearts, and it’s much easier to get there. Just like a child, you want him to play more during the day, he will sleep well at night and won’t toss you. :) Jackie, sleep well at night!









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