解决中东中亚问题, 就要解决安全问题,民生问题

作者:转折点  于 2020-11-6 05:35 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


解决中东中亚问题, 就要解决安全问题,民生问题  To solve the Middle East and Central Asia issue, we must solve the security problem and the people’s livelihood issue.


其实要解决中东中亚问题,我觉得,首先要解决安全问题,再有民生问题. 每天提心吊胆过日子生活不安定没有保障再什么法力无边的宗教也没有办法保护他们. 土耳其和ISIS 做生意也是为了经济. 我记得妈妈跟我说解放军佔领上海的时候, 她第二天一早打开门所有的士兵都睡在马路上,一点都不骚扰居民. 我想中亚和中东需要这样一支军队先维持最基本的和平建立信任消灭冲突. 如果沙特和伊朗是深层的经济冲突,那要通过谈判来合理分享市场,如果是伊斯兰世界领导权的争夺,可不可以轮值?只要主体是有一个委员会来负责重要地区的事物上面不同人換着做又怎么样?如果能够维持基本的和平,让大众有一个安定的民生,那才有条件可以谈到一一路的基建,而真正能够使这个地区走出封闭迈向现代化是教育. 


In fact, to solve the Middle East and Central Asia issue, I feel that we must first solve the security problem and then have people's livelihood issues. Every day, they are living in fear, and there is no guarantee of life's security. There is no way to protect them from the magical powers of religions. Turkey also does business with ISIS for the benefits of economy. I remember my mother told me that when the People’s Liberation Army occupied Shanghai, she opened the door  the next early morning. All the soldiers slept on the roads, not harassing the residents at all. I think Central Asia and the Middle East need such army, first maintain the most basic peace, build trust, and eliminate conflicts. If Saudi Arabia and Iran have deep economic conflicts, then it is necessary to negotiate to share the market rationally. If it is the powerstruggle of the leadership of the Islamic world, can it be rotated? As long as the main body has a committee to take charge of the important areas, what about the different people at top? If we can maintain basic peace and let the public have a stable people's livelihood, then we can conditionally talk about the infrastructure of the Belt and Road. It can really bring the region out of the enclosure, and modernization is education.









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