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美宣布进入国家紧急状态 最大燃油管道商暂停运营

京港台:2021-5-10 11:01| 来源:CGTN | 评论( 8 )  | 我来说几句

美宣布进入国家紧急状态 最大燃油管道商暂停运营


  当地时间5月9日,美国宣布进入国家紧急状态,原因是当地最大燃油管道运营商遭网络攻击下线。美国最大的成品油管道运营商Colonial Pipeline在当地时间周五(5月7日)因受到勒索软件攻击,被迫关闭其美国东部沿海各州供油的关键燃油网络。

  The U.S. government declared a state of emergency on Sunday in response to a ransomware attack that forced Colonial Pipeline to shut a critical fuel network supplying populous eastern states, according to the statement of the U.S. Department of Transportation. The move lifted various limits on the transport of fuels by road to ease the fallout from the continuing closure of the Colonial pipeline, which carries almost half the fuel consumed on the U.S. East Coast, following the cyberattack on Friday.

推荐:美国打折网(21usDeal.com)    >>

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