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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:浪漫温情的海洋(幻梦和暗恋的女神缠绵)
goofegg 2024-7-1 00:13
A sea of romance and warmthgoofeggLet's leisure in the ocean of romance and warmthBuild our own happy paradise togetherThere thou art like the delicate seaweedClinging to my drowning bodyI can't breathe and I'm going to die happy and miserableTo die in yo [ ...阅读全文 ] [ goofegg的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:how to buy Sinclair Community College diploma? buy SCC degree online.
保安 2024-4-25 21:06
Fake Sinclair Community College diploma, realistic SCC degree online. With one of the lowest tuition rates in Ohio, Sinclair is committed to providing quality education and consistently ranks among the top community colleges in America. Sinclair’s student [ ...阅读全文 ] [ 保安的博文列表 ]
1 个评论
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:英文诗翻译——求助
Duffy 2024-2-4 15:45
英文诗翻译——求助。我们两口子加上独生女和女婿,都是学Computer 的。女儿也有了上高中的一女一男。我的外孙女Kathleen,正在上LOS ALTOS高二。虽然我们全家人都希望她学理工,以考上著名理工大学为目标。但是架不住她从初中起,就对英文阅读和写作感兴趣,在学校的网站上发表英文诗作。上高中开始,自己就应征并被录取为 [ ...阅读全文 ] [ Duffy的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Winter in Gaza
goofegg 2023-11-8 13:43
Winter in Gaza
Winter in GazaGoofeggGaza is particularly cold this winterThere is a neglected corner of the worldBecause of the outbreak of Hamas' angerNow it's getting worldwide attention againMany distant people who are not concerned about current affairsOnly now real [ ...阅读全文 ] [ goofegg的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Carrying the banner of anti hegemony is none other than China
goofegg 2023-11-1 14:50
台湾从来就不该是美国的一张牌台海风云-做中美对决的最坏准备中美对局-王道和霸道的对抗后俄乌新阶段国际局势分析美国正在被犹太资本裹挟着推入深渊犹太教、共济会、蜥蜴人。。。反纳粹反霸的三步战略An idea for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflictThe three-step strategy of anti-Nazi and anti-hegemonI have wr [ ...阅读全文 ] [ goofegg的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The three-step strategy of anti-Nazi and anti-hegemon
goofegg 2023-10-23 15:34
America is being driven into the abyss by Jewish capital,Judaism、Freemasonry、 lizard people...There is a growing tendency for these forces to band together to provoke a world war.China's top officials should know more about the inside and better counterme [ ...阅读全文 ] [ goofegg的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:亞當如何面對“女强人”夏娃?
温哥华张三 2023-10-20 11:17
馬克吐溫幽默短篇—夏娃日記(下集) 馬克吐溫以夏娃的觀察角度,用日記方式,記錄她和亞當的相處,凸顯男女性格與行爲的差異。 本集故事中,夏娃展開一項突破性實驗,並且獲得重大發現。馬克吐溫藉此顛覆傳統的性別偏見。 另外,亞當如何面對優秀的另一半?“女强人”夏娃是否會觸動他敏感的神經?... [ ...阅读全文 ] [ 温哥华张三的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:An idea for solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
goofegg 2023-10-15 19:28
Previously, I wrote an idea for resolving world disputes:the NATO Group's sheepfold theory and the idea of world peaceWith the support of the United States and the indulgence of the international community, Israel has been continuously encroaching on the [ ...阅读全文 ] [ goofegg的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Can I order Western Governors University Diploma? WGU degree.
保安 2023-8-15 14:32
Can I order Western Governors University Diploma? WGU degree.
Where to order WGU diploma? buy WGU degree online, Can I order Western Governors University fake diploma? make Western Governors University certificate, how much to order Western Governors University fake degree? buy WGU diploma online, fake WGU degree.Re [ ...阅读全文 ] [ 保安的博文列表 ]
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保安 2023-8-15 14:24
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保安 2023-8-15 14:21
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:How to get the PMP certificate without passing the exam?
保安 2023-8-8 12:13
How to get the PMP certificate without passing the exam?
Title: The Journey to Acquiring a PMP CertificateIntroduction:PMP (Project Management Professional) certification is a highly sought-after credential for professionals in the field of project management. It demonstrates a solid understanding of project ma [ ...阅读全文 ] [ 保安的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Where to buy Beta Gamma Sigma fake diploma?
保安 2023-8-7 22:30
Where to buy Beta Gamma Sigma fake diploma?
Order Beta Gamma Sigma diploma, fake Beta Gamma Sigma certificate, where to order Beta Gamma Sigma fake degree? buy fake diploma, order Beta Gamma Sigma certificate. Beta Gamma Sigma is a prestigious international honor society that recognizes academic ex [ ...阅读全文 ] [ 保安的博文列表 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:How to get Fake Baylor University Diploma?
保安 2023-8-7 22:13
How to get Fake Baylor University Diploma?
Baylor University is a private Christian university located in Waco, Texas. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields of study, including business, education, engineering, health sciences, humanities, social sciences, [ ...阅读全文 ] [ 保安的博文列表 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:How to obtain University of Colorado fake diploma?
保安 2023-8-7 17:08
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保安 2023-8-7 16:53
How to order Case Western Reserve University diploma? buy CWRU degree.
Replacement Case Western Reserve University diploma, make Case Western Reserve University degree, Buy CWRU diploma, Buy CWRU degree online, Can I order CWRU fake diploma? Based in Ohio’s Cleveland, Case Western Reserve University is a highly-ranked privat [ ...阅读全文 ] [ 保安的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:且看西点军校的年轻人吃的啥谁做的13000份饭菜
change? 2023-7-4 04:23
美军饭量如何,何须文字罗嗦。战时要求的准备和用餐安排速度快捷而有条不紊-从集合分队全部近4500名军校生用餐时间在十五分钟内完成,等等。... [ ...阅读全文 ] [ change?的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:最强敵人來自意料之外
温哥华张三 2023-6-23 13:28
兩個仇人暴風夜相遇,情節發展逆轉再逆轉,結局爆出大意外。... [ ...阅读全文 ] [ 温哥华张三的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:外孙女的记者处女作
Duffy 2023-6-11 01:46
外孙女的记者处女作我的外孙女Kathleen已经高二了,可想而知,作为第一代移民的父母,只知道自己工作的压力,生活的艰辛,只看到孩子们的活蹦乱跳,却不知这些出生在美国的二代华裔学生们,在父母巨大的压力下,要门门功课全优,又要琴棋书画全能,既要不忘祖宗勤学汉语,又要种族融合参加各种业余活动,还要莫名其妙地承受 [ ...阅读全文 ] [ Duffy的博文列表 ]
2 个评论
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:How to Buy Fake Diploma Online: A Guide to Finding the Best Providers
保安 2023-5-18 16:34
In today’s competitive job market, having a degree can make all the difference in landing your dream job. However, not everyone has the time or resources to attend a traditional university. This is where buying a fake diploma online comes in handy. While [ ...阅读全文 ] [ 保安的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:翻译杂谈
Duffy 2023-5-14 01:51
翻译杂谈 翻译的作用在当今世界政治经济文化交流中的地位,越来越突出了,中国的对外交流日益频繁,除外交人员外,中国党政领导人,更多地直接参与国际记者招待会或者高峰会谈,翻译的快速准确,已经及其引人关注。突出的是两年前,杨洁篪与美方高层在阿拉斯加会谈,杨老虎铿锵有力,引经据典,驳斥美方的颐指气使,居高 [ ...阅读全文 ] [ Duffy的博文列表 ]
4 个评论
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The NATO sheepfold theory and the idea of world peace
goofegg 2023-4-28 11:33
The NATO sheepfold theory and the idea of world peace
北约的羊圈理论I don't know if the above link is the most original source. It seems logical.Yesterday, I saw such a novel theory for the first time, but after a little thought, I figured out what such a group is. If it's really for the sake of peace, it's kind. B [ ...阅读全文 ] [ goofegg的博文列表 ]
9 个评论
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Lighthouse
goofegg 2023-4-27 22:59
LighthousegoofeggoneWhere the lighthouse standsFilled with rocksThe reef is stained with worshippers'corpses like moths on fireSuccessors continue to pour inBut they didn't realize this to beA sign that should bypasstwoThe lighthouse pointed the direction [ ...阅读全文 ] [ goofegg的博文列表 ]
5 个评论
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:How the Rogers-Shaw merger could have a negative impact on consumers
sc8808 2023-3-28 05:34
Souce: Cannet Blog ArticleHow the Rogers-Shaw merger could have a negative impact on consumersThe highlights of the Rogers-Shaw mergerThe proposed merger between Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. in Canada has faced criticism and scr [ ...阅读全文 ] [ sc8808的博文列表 ]
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