The devil in scrubs

作者:深秋的云  于 2007-5-5 22:46 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


The devil in scrubs



My boss was a very nice man. That was the first impression I got when he walked me out of the office where he just had given me a one –hour long interviewIt was not exactly like an interviewmore like a relaxing talking between two friends on some interesting topicsWe talked almost everything except workHe showed me his family pictureshe talked his tripshe proudly mentioned his children’s careers which are very impressiveIn the endHe asked me a couple of job-related questionswhich are too easy to be answered wrongHe seemed very pleased with my performance. He reached out his hand and congratulated me for getting this job


It was my first job in Canada since we landed in Montreal three years ago. And it was a good start. Instead of working in a restaurant like most of immigrant, I got a job in a dental office and with a super nice boss. How exciting that was! I was the luckiest girl in the world at that moment.


Soon after had been working with him, I realized he wasn’t nice at all. Probably the worst boss I ever had. Honestly, dental assistant’ tasks are not that challenging and difficult. It’s the dentist’s mood made this job very stressful.


My boss is known for his excellent work as a dentist, but well-known for his bad temper. Being his assistant, I felt like living in the hell. He had been practically giving me headache everyday. The moment he walked into the office, my mind started racing, mouth drying, and heart flip-flopping in my chest. I gingerly did my work, while kept checking on his face to see if he was in the good mood, my ears were cocked all the time for fear of missing the words when he muttered under the mask. This would definitely get me yelled later on. I woke up in the middle of night worrying what I did wrong to make him give me that look, the look mixed with disgust and distrust. The look made me feel like an idiot.


His mood varies abruptly. You could see his face change from sunny to thunderstorm within a second. Then, snap! He snapped at everyone who happened to approach him at that very moment for any reason.


His staff kept leaving because of this. I, unfortunately, was another victim jumping in this trap. Only been a year and half, I was currently at the edge of depression. His constant assault really burned me out. I couldn’t let him treat me like dirt any more. I made up my mind to quit.













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0 回复 西蒙 2008-12-28 21:33
I think you made the correct decision. Be an assistant, you too have your own independence. It was so hard for you to work with him for so long time. It is his problem, not what you did wrong things, he needs to go  to doctors or self-reflection. He may have double personanlities. I read an article saying that treating your own member very well first nsteading of treating the cutomers like God.  I had been quebec in April some years ago. Being brave and positive, your mind and your mood are more important than others. Good luck.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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