No ordinary driver

作者:BBC22  于 2008-10-22 21:42 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

作者分类:Random Thoughts|通用分类:其它日志|已有2评论

It would be an overstatement to claim that her husband  has single-handedly masterminded the success of the eatery(e.g. 上个周六、周日,我的营业额过了100).  Nevertheless, it's fair to say he is no ordinary driver and in fact he’s the driving force behind the project.  He has a strong business acumen, a good command of business principles and a hard-working ethic (e.g. 天天轮流换上不同马甲”). 


First, he did some serious homework on marketing research (e.g. 一夜不眠不休) and was quick at identifying the USPs (unique selling points) through market segmenting (e.g. 在街头卖鸭血粉丝汤的外地人多,像她这样漂漂亮亮的南京女子很少.).


Then, he preceded to implement an excellent branding strategy: associating his wife with a classical Chinese beauty”西施” and highlighted the function of the business by adding a modifier “鸭血” (a little bit too bloody to the westerners’ tastes though, but never mind,  they are not his major target anyway). It seems the branding strategy worked like a charm and immediately attracted a lot of eyeballs and hits  (e.g. 跟帖人果然很多,每天有几十条)


Last but not the least, the versatile driver combined two of the most effective marketing tools - “sex” and “the internet” (e.g. 网上又发妻子写真) and made his wife a household name, hence bringing in a lot of curious (and lustful?) customers. . 




1) That's not a good idea, because quite a number of customers are coming here to see her beauty not the fake bucks.  Hanging her own sexy photos on the walls  will be a much better idea.   BTW, I  think it won't take too long for the two fake notes to be nicked from the wall and handed out to another shop/restaurant owner.


2) There’s no denial that he's  come up with  a brilliant marketing tactic that has brought a great success to his eatery.  But this tactic only works in a country, like China, where appearance seems to  take precedence over substance. It’s still questionable whether the business model adopted by the dream team of husband and wife can be transplanted elsewhere outside China.

 Taken together with this article, we can see that in today's China, good looks alone can get you really far indeed: it can make up for the lack of charisma,  talent, expertise and  even turn your business around. 

 So, how about our fellow countrymen (girls in particular) with homely looks? Well, Good luck  and   May God bless them all.










发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

5 回复 绿水潭 2008-10-22 23:04
I give applauses to the driver. He did his homework well on marketing the business.
2 回复 BBC22 2008-10-23 05:10
Absolutely, and hats off to his wife as well.  She executed the great plan and did all the hard work after all.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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