Looking for civilized translation into Chinese, after reading 泼妇是怎样炼成的

作者:Mir  于 2009-6-12 23:54 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



Mei Mei Ni Da Dan de Wang Qian Zhou 啊.
Ge Ge Wo Da Dan de Wang Hou Zhuan 啊.









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2 回复 wd6364 2009-6-13 03:03
First of all you need to looking for a good teacher in PINYIN,and I happen to be fit fot the purpose.Some 10 yrs ago,I have trained my ex -bf from a 文盲to 英文八级 by chatting with him on line and 口对口教口语.老天有眼啊,finally it is my turn now ,with you
2 回复 Mir 2009-6-13 03:27
wd6364: First of all you need to looking for a good teacher in PINYIN,and I happen to be fit fot the purpose.Some 10 yrs ago,I have trained my ex -bf from a
Zheng Shi Yuan Jia Ru Zhai 啊.
2 回复 wd6364 2009-6-13 03:53
Mir: Zheng Shi Yuan Jia Ru Zhai 啊.
BAD拼音again .LU ZHAI 路窄OK?RU is actually pretty wide.本人心胸宽广的很哪
1 回复 Mir 2009-6-13 04:27
wd6364: BAD拼音again .LU ZHAI 路窄OK?RU is actually pretty wide.本人心胸宽广的很哪
1 回复 wd6364 2009-6-13 04:45
Mir: 孩子他妈是这样炼成的.
Not as you thought
1 回复 Mir 2009-6-13 06:17
wd6364: Not as you thought
Thinking is not what I am good at. Visualizing is my strength.
回复 wd6364 2009-6-13 06:23
Mir: Thinking is not what I am good at. Visualizing is my strength.
Your visualization is merely  based on your poor visual experience ,then it is not objective as there is exceptions ,I mean it
2 回复 Mir 2009-6-13 06:25
wd6364: Your visualization is merely  based on your poor visual experience ,then it is not objective as there is exceptions ,I mean it

from "泼妇是怎样炼成的" by wd6364
1 回复 wd6364 2009-6-13 06:32
Mir: 以为自己眼花,出现幻觉,定神再看,一个是胎生的一个很陌生.

from "泼妇是怎样炼成的" by wd6364
What si wrong with B feeding,I still get them in perfect
1 回复 Mir 2009-6-13 06:37
wd6364: What si wrong with B feeding,I still get them in perfect

from "泼妇是怎样炼成的" by wd6364
2 回复 wd6364 2009-6-13 06:40
thanks for reminding me ,yeah ,I was losing control,so not cool
2 回复 Mir 2009-6-13 06:51
wd6364: thanks for reminding me ,yeah ,I was losing control,so not cool
脸晒得和烂番茄一样,浑身的火都集中到了头顶,怎么形容呢? 您就是给我全身抹上牛黄也无法消除我的内热

from "泼妇是怎样炼成的" by wd6364

Do not drive me nuts, please.
回复 xoyuanfen 2009-6-13 07:08
Mir: Zheng Shi Yuan Jia Ru Zhai 啊.
1 回复 xoyuanfen 2009-6-13 07:09
BTW, 你的头像让人误认为你是美眉。
1 回复 Mir 2009-6-13 07:22
xoyuanfen: BTW, 你的头像让人误认为你是美眉。
As long as it is not mistaken as a 泼妇.
2 回复 xoyuanfen 2009-6-13 07:29
Mir: As long as it is not mistaken asa 泼妇.
回复 Mir 2009-6-13 07:55
xoyuanfen: 要求太低!
I wish I could be as stylish as you are.
But you are right, I need to change my picture. Maybe it is the picture that made me be chased around.
2 回复 wd6364 2009-6-13 08:18
My apology.It was fun,thanks for being nice
2 回复 Mir 2009-6-13 08:25
wd6364: My apology.It was fun,thanks for being nice
I was not upset at all. No apology needed.

Your "泼妇是怎样炼成的" is very funny and vivid.
2 回复 xoyuanfen 2009-6-13 10:39
Mir: I wish I could be as stylish as you are.
But you are right, I need to change my picture. Maybe it is the picture that made me be chased around.
哈哈, 对女孩子要求挺高!I like this girl, too.
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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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