
作者:阳关  于 2010-1-30 05:46 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


几十年后回头再看抗美援朝这场战争,绝对是必要的。当时的中国不只是试图从昔日的屈辱和落后中站起身来, 而且还努力地想在列强包围挤压中走出自己的路子来。这时自信心尤为重要。这一仗就是打出了自信心,才有了后来的退出联合国,和苏老大决裂,终结世界核子垄断等。我不是说,这一切皆源于韩战的结果。 但是, 韩战的结局提供了强大的心理支撑依据。老毛不是神人。但是他很注重过往的经验。


人往往爱走极端。不是盲目跟从瞎激动,就是全盘否定,一无是处。我坚决力挺爱惜生命这一文明理念。但是, 当一个生命和一个国家/民族的利益,尊严和战略目标相碰撞时,生命只能在很大程度上服从这些目标。 任何一个国家都是这样做的。中国是这样,美国更是这样。想想越南战争,入侵伊拉克。无论以什么理由和借口,战死沙场的一个个生命都服务于各自的目的。当然,各自的目的/目标又决定其死亡“或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。”











发表评论 评论 (19 个评论)

回复 snortbsd 2010-1-30 06:20
visited the war museum in soul and it was pretty interesting experience.
回复 阳关 2010-1-30 09:17
snortbsd: visited the war museum in soul and it was pretty interesting experience.
回复 遥祝 2010-1-30 09:47
1 回复 阳关 2010-1-30 10:08

回复 snortbsd 2010-1-30 10:16
阳关: 去现场了解他们的想法一定很有意思的
actually the seoul war museum was very nicely constructed. a lot of displays of weaponry.

right next to the biggest american base in south korea...
1 回复 遥祝 2010-1-30 10:21
阳关: 你这笑,有些个高深莫测。

回复 美国鲁汉 2010-1-30 10:40
回复 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2010-1-30 10:41
snortbsd: visited the war museum in soul and it was pretty interesting experience.
回复 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2010-1-30 10:42
回复 snortbsd 2010-1-30 11:00
seoul, typo...
回复 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2010-1-30 11:08
snortbsd: seoul, typo...
well i didn't really care so much about how seoul is spelt as your 'interesting experience' at that museum:)
回复 马大哈ann 2010-1-30 11:18
回复 snortbsd 2010-1-30 12:33
穿鞋的蜻蜓: well i didn't really care so much about how seoul is spelt as your 'interesting experience' at that museum:)
hmm, the brave south korea soldiers fought brilliantly against human tides and waves of the red chinese. of course a lot of pictures of those captured chinese soldiers were the powerful proofs for that. interestingly not that many pictures of north korea pows as i expected.... in reality, more north korea pows than chinese ones

i followed a group of tourists with tour guide. one american woman asked the chinese scripts in some pictures, the tour guide gave out a quick answer:"those were ancient korean writing"......
回复 阳关 2010-1-30 13:59
遥祝: 我在酒吧上班着,用的是小小的笔记本电脑,打字很吃力,所以一般喜欢用笑脸表示我赞同你的想法等等,给你带来疑惑不好意思哈
好样的! 一手抓革命, 一手促生产。
以后有机会一定来拜访你的酒吧, 是不是门上支了一个酒幌子: 三碗不过岗
1 回复 阳关 2010-1-30 14:01
美国鲁汉: 赞同文章的观点。
回复 阳关 2010-1-30 14:05
马大哈ann: 没看过他的讲演,但是你的说法我完全赞同。一切要从历史的角度看问题。。。中国能有今天第一代共产党人作出了巨大的贡献。。。
回复 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2010-1-30 22:59
snortbsd: hmm, the brave south korea soldiers fought brilliantly against human tides and waves of the red chinese. of course a lot of pictures of those capture
Thanks!That IS interesting. I heard the similar stuff (human tides and waves)from a Chinese man (said was son of former cook of SK prez.李承晚 and invented the most popular seafood flavored noodle炸酱面 in that country) from South Korea,the same guy also told me how nastily Koreans had treated Chinese there (in school,restaurant,etc.)  they are really narrow-minded meanies who are shamelessly desperate to get ahead beyond the limit.
回复 snortbsd 2010-1-31 01:56
穿鞋的蜻蜓: Thanks!That IS interesting. I heard the similar stuff (human tides and waves)from a Chinese man (said was son of former cook of SK prez.李承晚 and i
well, i didn't have problems with koreans in general, plus i stayed in bases in most of my time over there.

yes south koreans i met were kinda overly sensitive regarding their images. the issue of "saving face" is much, much worse than that of chinese, in general.

one of misunderstandings of casualties for UN side was the elements of american fight units in korea. for at least half of american fighting units were/are koreans (so called KATUSA soldiers). they were/are korean citizens. together with americans, they form a fighting unit. say a company, there could be more than half of koreans....
1 回复 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2010-1-31 02:28
snortbsd: well, i didn't have problems with koreans in general, plus i stayed in bases in most of my time over there.

yes south koreans i met were kinda over
i have no problems dealing with them either just a little side comment. some of the comments were told by non-asians(black for example) before I got the first hand impressions afterwords.

Thanks for the info regarding the US/SK casualities.

The truth about casulties of Korean War is like a messy mirror ,we can get as much as we can make out--- all i know is there have been manipulations on both sides for the sake of  self serving propaganda--it's only natural and necessary perhaps.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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