
作者:解滨  于 2009-11-14 05:45 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村




1112日,“Strategy Page”网站(http://www.strategypage.com/)刊载了一篇未署名文章,题为“Paper Sailors”(纸水手)。 该文的第三段说,中国货船被海盗劫持后,法国和美国曾悄悄地提出向中国提供特种部队协助中国解救出被劫的船只。 但中国政府也许是怕丢面子,再加上对自己特种部队缺乏信心,最后没有回应两国的建议。 原文如下:


China has sent a third flotilla of warships to Somalia, to relieve the second group of ships. The new flotilla also has a commando detachment with it. But the government is embarrassed by the fact that the Chinese warships already there, did nothing with their commandos when a Chinese cargo ship was recently seized by pirates. Other nations, particularly France and the United States, quietly offered the Chinese assistance in a commando operation to free the Chinese ship. But, fearful of being accused of needing (rather than simply accepting) foreign help, and unwilling to trust the capabilities of its own commandos, China did nothing. Negotiations are underway to pay a ransom for the ship and crew. A commando op is still a possibility, as many Chinese are dismayed at the lack of action. Especially in light of all the "we are strong" speeches at recent the 60th anniversary parades.


这是媒体中第一次出现这种说法,其消息来源不明。 但即便美国主流媒体也经常刊载出这样的来源不明的消息。 该网站是一个以军事题材为主的网站。 其文章的质量并非下三滥那一类,亦没有看到过有关该网站被控告的报道。 美国政府也有通过三流媒体故意散布某些机密的前例。 例如,中苏对抗时期苏联曾计划对中国进行核攻击,事先将此通报美国。 当时还没有和中国建立任何关系的美国为了把这个消息及时通报给中国并提醒苏联中国已有准备,一方面透过第三国传递消息给中国,另一方面偷偷把消息透露给以一家小报纸。 那则不明来源的消息一登出,很快传到苏联,苏联料定中国已有准备,取消该计划。


不清楚这一条消息是否也是美国军方有意或无意泄露出来。 在没有证实其来源之前,无法断定这是否一条假消息。 但造这种假消息似乎意义不大。 请注意该文认为使用特种部队解决问题的可能性仍然存在。 但我认为,即便如此,中国可能需要多国特种部队共同协作才可以完成任务。 中国最近表示出领导各国共同打击海盗的愿望,何不从这一起事件开始做起? 如果中国能够成功地协调多国特种部队捣毁海盗的老窝,解救人质,那么中国将打一个国际反制海盗的翻身仗。 这不但对于提高国民的信心意义重大,而且对提高中国的国际地位也意义深远。


本来,中美、中法国家之间的领导人互访已是家常便饭,两国的贸易到达了空前的水平,民间的交往超过历史上任何时期。 无论意识形态方面有多大的差异,当一国在公海上出了点问题,另一国帮一个忙,做点顺水人情本来就是天经地义的事。 中国政府应该不会为了一点面子就拒绝这种手到擒来的救助。 何况,打击海盗,保护商船是各国共同利益。 中国的护航舰队已经保护了许多外国商船,建立了很好的信誉,为什么就不可以接受一点别国的援助呢? 但考虑到我们几千年来的老传统,面子总是比什么都重要。 文革中唐山地震死了那么多人,四人帮认为死人事小,国家面子为大,决定不接受外国一分钱的援助,今天还在被国人骂。 这一次会不会又是面子为重?


无论这一条消息是真还是假,中国在打击海盗方面也应该发挥更大的作用,因为这是一个谁也不能说三道四的国际间的正义行动。笔者无法断定美国或法国是否真有过提供特种部队这种建议。 如果美国、法国或其他任何国家确实提出过提供特种部队协助中国解救人质,中国政府就应该毫不犹豫地协调这种行动。今天中国的领导人虽然远非十全十美,但应该不至于在这个问题上犯老祖宗和四人帮都犯过的那种死要面子活受罪的错误。










发表评论 评论 (17 个评论)

0 回复 snortbsd 2009-11-14 06:01
great, an "article" ("Paper Sailors") has no signature, no facts checking, but of course, fit rightly for your wish...
0 回复 解滨 2009-11-14 06:11
snortbsd: great, an "article" ("Paper Sailors") has no signature, no facts checking, but of course, fit rightly for your wish...
That's what I said "我不知道以上这个说法的消息是来自何处". The other one "China Makes It Last" is in the same status -  cannot confirm the source of the article.
0 回复 snortbsd 2009-11-14 06:21
解滨: That's what I said "我不知道以上这个说法的消息是来自何处". The other one "China Makes It Last" is in the same status -  cannot co
hmm, interesting reply. what about this "比较轻松愉快" part:
The foreigners have become more threatening, and that has gotten the attention of the government. But Chinese police and security agencies can still be bought, by Chinese firms. There's growing use of unofficial jails, and literally kidnapping foreign businessmen who are having a dispute with Chinese firms (who have bribed officials to put pressure on the foreigners). The Chinese government denies that this sort of thing goes on, but it dos.
with those statements, anyone without bias and knowing the reality of china would be able to sense the credibility of this article.
0 回复 解滨 2009-11-14 06:23
snortbsd: hmm, interesting reply. what about this "比较轻松愉快" part:with those statements, anyone without bias and knowing the reality of china wou
No problem, make a little bit change.  Thanks for reminding!
0 回复 SirCat 2009-11-14 07:16

0 回复 xqw63 2009-11-14 10:07
0 回复 遥祝 2009-11-14 16:13
xqw63: 是真的也不是真的,不是真的就更不是真的了
0 回复 yulinw 2009-11-14 17:05
xqw63: 是真的也不是真的,不是真的就更不是真的了
0 回复 马大哈ann 2009-11-14 19:33
0 回复 zhousx18 2009-11-15 01:03
0 回复 magicthinkpad 2009-11-15 17:57
0 回复 snortbsd 2009-11-17 03:23
SirCat: “我希望有人能够提出有力的证据,证明以上的说法不是真的。”
if it was true, then  this piece of news would have been all over western media.
0 回复 snortbsd 2009-11-17 03:27
解滨: No problem, make a little bit change.  Thanks for reminding!
why was that? why is so shy for the true yourself?
0 回复 snortbsd 2009-11-17 03:29
xqw63: 是真的也不是真的,不是真的就更不是真的了
for some, they wish it was true....

at least i don't put veil to hide who i am...

if this shit was true, it would have been all overt western media.
0 回复 xqw63 2009-11-17 03:34
snortbsd: for some, they wish it was true....

at least i don't put veil to hide who i am...

if this shit was true, it would have been all overt wester
0 回复 snortbsd 2009-11-17 03:37
xqw63: 您的用语太aggressive,以至于在辩论中,您失去了辩论的可调和性。
thanks... good point...

i need to learn that...
0 回复 xqw63 2009-11-17 03:44
snortbsd: thanks... good point...

i need to learn that...

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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