
作者:韭菜花  于 2010-1-7 21:30 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



    在英国,每个已婚妇女每年都要做妇科检查,我来了三个年头了, 前两年的妇科检查,说是细胞有变异,又做了活检,虽然没有发现癌细胞,但我的心里总在担心,害怕它会朝坏的方向发展。要是患了李媛媛,梅艳芳那样的癌症就倒霉了,一想到这个问题,我就忧虑。西医没有给我任何治疗,也没有吃任何药,只是要求每年检查一次。
    我在网上查了,这种细胞变异,如果不是很严重,自身的免疫可以调节,但也有可能向不好的方向发展。我的前两次检查都是不正常的,这一次正常,我想是不是跟中药的调理有关系。有人说,病由心生。我的心态不是很好,常有焦虑,紧张。也有人说,中医是伪科学。 我不是医生,但我是病人,我相信中西医结合是很好的方法。在生活中,我也是这样治疗自己的病症的。
 无论怎样,感谢上苍 !









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1 回复 goodoctor 2010-1-7 22:59
You have already had biopsy, if your doctor told you that your biopsy is normal, then you do not need worry and you do not need any treatment, just need to follow up with your doctor and has pap smear regularly.

I do NOT  think the Chinese medicine will help you in this condition (psychologically maybe), the Chinese medicine should NOT replace your regular pap smear.

Abnormal Pap smear results:
If abnormal or unusual cells were discovered during your Pap smear, you're said to have a positive result. A positive result doesn't mean you have cervical cancer.

Here are some terms your doctor might use and what your next course of action might be:

1. Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS). Squamous cells are thin and flat and grow on the surface of a healthy cervix. In the case of ASCUS, the Pap smear reveals slightly abnormal squamous cells, but the changes don't clearly suggest that precancerous cells are present. With the liquid-based test, your doctor can reanalyze the sample to check for the presence of viruses known to promote the development of cancer, such as some types of human papillomavirus (HPV). If no high-risk viruses are present, the abnormal cells found as a result of the test aren't of great concern. If worrisome viruses are present, you'll need further testing.

2. Squamous intraepithelial lesion.
This term is used to indicate that the cells collected from the Pap smear may be precancerous. If the changes are low-grade, the size, shape and other characteristics of the cells suggest that if a precancerous lesion is present, it's likely to be years away from becoming a cancer. If the changes are high-grade, there's a greater chance that the lesion may develop into cancer much sooner. Diagnostic testing is necessary.

3. Atypical glandular cells.
Glandular cells produce mucus and grow in the opening of your cervix and within your uterus. Atypical glandular cells may appear to be slightly abnormal, but it's unclear whether they're cancerous. Further testing is needed to determine the source of the abnormal cells and their significance.

4. Squamous cancer or adenocarcinoma cells.
The cells collected for the Pap smear appear so abnormal that the pathologist is almost certain a cancer is present in the vagina, cervix or, occasionally, the uterus. Squamous refers to cancers arising in the flat surface cells of the vagina or cervix. Adenocarcinoma refers to cancers arising in glandular cells. If such cells are found, your doctor will recommend prompt evaluation.

If your Pap smear is abnormal, your doctor may perform a procedure called colposcopy using a special magnifying instrument (colposcope) to examine the tissues of the cervix, vagina and vulva. He or she may take a tissue sample (biopsy) from any areas that appear abnormal. The tissue sample is then sent to a laboratory for analysis and a definitive diagnosis.

Good Luck!
2 回复 韭菜花 2010-1-8 04:11
goodoctor: You have already had biopsy, if your doctor told you that your biopsy is normal, then you do not need worry and you do not need any treatment, just n
Thank you very much ! Good doctor !
2 回复 rtc4rtc 2010-1-8 04:53
1 回复 韭菜花 2010-1-8 05:06
rtc4rtc: 中医来源与经验,讲究平衡,是实践科学。
2 回复 rtc4rtc 2010-1-8 05:20
韭菜花: 我很相信中医的,我女儿小时候得急性肾炎,一点没有用西药,完全靠中药治愈。
1 回复 韭菜花 2010-1-8 13:55
rtc4rtc: 中西各有绝招。我的理解是:急病用西医,慢病用中医;大病先西医再中医。
1 回复 rtc4rtc 2010-1-9 02:33
韭菜花: 有道理。
2 回复 yulinw 2010-1-17 20:56
1 回复 韭菜花 2010-1-17 22:15
yulinw: 不要急,不是正常了么。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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