Love in Mist

作者:JuneRipple  于 2012-12-21 14:01 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:水边云角, lost in mist

The memory of the old days thou with me
Comes back at the sight of yellow leaves
How sweet we were like wind set free
Together far into the waters' misty ends

Upon the gusty wind coming without a clue
Thereby I know the summer rose already drooped
In the coldness of Fall still sees old times so true
I wrapped in the worn robe seemly no time passed

Since parting days were difficult to remember
Thou should no forget how words were put
The way I let self wither was only per thou tender
Thou should no ask as everything was in the heart

Within doubt how sweetness and bitterness get along
To love that well I only become that strong

JR - 《水边云角》









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回复 秋收冬藏 2012-12-21 21:08
Be stronger.
回复 JuneRipple 2012-12-22 11:59
秋收冬藏: Be stronger.
It is hard to be strong though.     It may be better to just let it go.
1 回复 秋收冬藏 2012-12-22 12:04
JuneRipple: It is hard to be strong though.         It may be better to just let it go.
Something's still lingering, which feels like torture.
2 回复 JuneRipple 2012-12-22 12:05
秋收冬藏: Something's still lingering, which feels like torture.
that is true. so why not stop suffering and choose to forget?
回复 秋收冬藏 2012-12-22 12:11
JuneRipple: that is true. so why not stop suffering and choose to forget?
someone said long long time ago : 抽刀断水水更流, 不如散发弄扁舟。
1 回复 JuneRipple 2012-12-22 12:14
秋收冬藏: someone said long long time ago : 抽刀断水水更流, 不如散发弄扁舟。
回复 jadepython 2012-12-31 22:20

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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