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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第12章:约翰·亨特
Wuwuyu 2012-9-8 23:56
第12章 - 约翰·亨特 当她们穿好衣服,摩根和玛丽能听到一个男低音从一楼飘上来。她们没有听见门被打开或关闭的声音,从这个声音空洞地充满了整个房间上判断,她们猜测市长没有带来一大群人。法妈的声音不能听到,但她总是这样走路悄然无声。 我想这是我们的机会,去看看市长在报纸上的声明有如何认真, [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 11 – The Morning After
Wuwuyu 2012-9-1 22:58
Chapter 11 – The Morning After The morning’s paper was already on the kitchen table when Mina, Morgan, and Marie tiptoed down to breakfast. They had barely slept that night, even after coming home with Fa and crawling into their beds silently. The sky outside had already started to [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第11章:第二天早晨
Wuwuyu 2012-9-1 22:53
第11章 第二天早晨 当米娜,摩根和玛丽蹑手蹑脚地下来吃早餐时, 今天的晨报已放在厨房的饭桌上。昨天晚上她们几乎彻夜未眠,即使在跟着法妈回家,静静地爬上床上后,她们仍没合眼。外面的天空已经开始焕发出粉红色。姐妹们没有互相交谈,但他们仍然躺在床上,无法入睡。 现在是夏天。通常 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第十章: 逃离
Wuwuyu 2012-8-25 22:05
http://theswitchsisters.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/chapter-10-escape/第十章 逃离 门框里的影子越来越大,灰橙色的光芒在其背后闪耀。玛丽深吸了一口气,让她内心得以清醒。她深深知道她需要她的所有能力,她把手伸向摩根。 我们总算遇到它了(看来得来全不费工夫),摩根回想给她。玛丽 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters, Chapter 10: Escape
Wuwuyu 2012-8-25 22:01
http://theswitchsisters.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/chapter-10-escape/Chapter 10 – EscapeThe shadow grew in the frame of the door, and a gray orange light glowed behind it. Marie took a deep breath to clear her mind, knowing she would need all of her faculties, and reached for Morgan´s hand.&nb [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters Chapter 9: Mara's Choice
Wuwuyu 2012-8-4 08:25
Chapter 9: Mara’s Choice The sisters held their breaths. Marie pushed on the door and it swung open. At first, the inside was dark, but Morgan summoned her light and it illuminated the dingy brick wall of a dark hallway. “Better close the door, just in case,” Marie said in a [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第九章:玛拉的选择
Wuwuyu 2012-8-4 08:22
第九章:玛拉的选择 姐妹们屏住了呼吸。玛丽推开门。起初,里面一片漆黑,但摩根召来了她的光,照亮了黑暗的过道里那陈旧昏暗的砖墙。 “最好关上大门,以防万一”,玛丽耳语道。她把钥匙放进口袋。 “小声点。” 摩根搓了搓她的手,光变得更亮,照亮了整个走廊。她们发现自己站在走廊的中段位置,向左 [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 翻译小说|
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters, Chapter 8:Fire and Water
Wuwuyu 2012-7-27 06:11
http://theswitchsisters.wordpress.com/2012/06/12/chapter-8-fire-and-water/ Chapter 8 – Fire andWater The holding house was a rectangular stone building whose corners were so sharp they might have been cut with a knife. It stood of the edge of a pond rimmed with cattails. It would not be [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第八章:水与火
Wuwuyu 2012-7-27 06:07
第八章 - 火与水 拘留所的房子是一个长方形的石头建筑,四个角落砌得像刀子削过一样尖锐。它座立在那个周围长满一圈猫尾巴花的池塘边。 房子很小,看起来最多可容纳两三名囚犯,因此如果玛拉在里面,应该不难找到她。当姐妹们走近沼泽池时,阴暗潮湿的水气渗透到他们的鼻子里。空气异常的沉静。 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 7– To the Swamp
Wuwuyu 2012-7-22 21:51
http://theswitchsisters.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/chapter-7-to-the-swamp-3/Chapter 7 – To theSwampCome back!Morgan heard a voice in her head say. It was firm and steady, with hints of her mother’s severity. It was Marie. Since they had learned to talk, or perhaps even [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第七章:奔向沼泽地
Wuwuyu 2012-7-22 21:46
http://theswitchsisters.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/chapter-7-to-the-swamp-3/ 第7章: 奔向沼泽地 回来!摩根听到一个声音在她的头上说。这个声音坚定,稳键,带着她母亲的严肃和权威的口吻。这是玛丽。自从他们学会了说话,甚止在这之前,他们已经能够通过思想和潜意识相互沟通交流。 &nbs [ ...阅读全文 ]
个人分类: 翻译小说|
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters Chapter 6:A Hatching Plan
Wuwuyu 2012-7-19 05:06
http://theswitchsisters.wordpress.com/ Chapter 6 – A Hatching Plan At the Switch residence, lights blazed. From the outside the house looked dark and quiet, but inside Fa and the remaining Switch sisters were all awake, with not a drop of sleepiness in their bodies. They we [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第六章 :幼稚计划
Wuwuyu 2012-7-19 05:00
http://theswitchsisters.wordpress.com/ 第六章 幼稚计划 司家住宅内,灯火通明。从外面看,整栋房子似乎漆黑一团,在黑夜中静静地沉睡着,但里面,法妈和其他司氏姐妹们异常清醒,没有一丝睡意。 就像前一天晚上一样, 她们聚集在法妈的卧室。也像前一天晚上一样,玛拉不 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 5 – Shadows Lurking
Wuwuyu 2012-7-15 18:13
http://theswitchsisters.wordpress.com/Chapter 5 – ShadowsLurking “Mara!” Marie saw her first. There was a stone well next to the rose patch, and what looked like a pile of white linens was crumpled at its base. It was Mara, her head down and her arms clutching a black ja [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第五章:魔踪潜影
Wuwuyu 2012-7-15 18:04
http://theswitchsisters.wordpress.com/第5章:魔踪潜影“玛拉!”玛丽第一个看到她。在靠近玫瑰花圃的石井边,堆着一摊看似白色床单的东西。那就是玛拉,她的头朝下,她的手抓着一件黑色外套。在她的脚周围,是一滩在月光下透出暗红色光芒的液体。亨特太太跑过整个花园。她转过身来,面对客人, [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters Chapter 4: Lights Out
Wuwuyu 2012-7-13 06:16
Chapter 4: Lights OutMorgan tossed her short red hair on the dance floor. She had cut and dyed it at the start of high school, sick of the constant confusion between her and Marie. “You’d think they’d notice that I have blue eyes and you have brown,” Marie had said as she dunked her sister [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第四章:灯灭了
Wuwuyu 2012-7-13 06:03
第四章:灯灭了 摩根让她的红色短发在舞池上跳跃。一上高中她就开始剪短头发并染色,她非常讨厌自己经常被错认为玛丽。 “你以为人家会注意到,我有蓝色的眼睛而你却是褐色的,”玛丽戏说着,把她妹妹的头扣在装满红色染料的水槽里。 她知道,摩根很想改变自己的形象。当她从水槽里抬起头,她的头发变成一个象闪耀着红色 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 3, Mara’s Tale
Wuwuyu 2012-7-12 08:44
Chapter 3: Mara’sTale The ceremony was to start in two hours, and Mara was not yet dressed. She ran her mother’s words through her head and paced about the room. She imagined the entire town of Ambrose, watching her with their piercing, judging eyes. Then she remembered Graham, h [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 2, The Big Day
Wuwuyu 2012-7-12 08:40
Chapter 2: The BigDay The sun seemed to rise especially early. Mara slipped into her dressing robe and opened the curtains. She blinked at the light that flooded into the room and lifted the window. Lush, green leaves blew inside, tangling in her hair. The door flew o [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters: Chapter 1, No Funny Business
Wuwuyu 2012-7-12 08:33
Chapter 1: No Funny Business Fa Switch gathered her daughters in her bedroom the night before the wedding. “No funny business,” she said. She made each of them look her in the eye and cross their hearts. Her daughters knew this was serious: the consequence for brea [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Switch Sisters:Prologue
Wuwuyu 2012-7-12 08:22
Prologue It’s hard to remember a time when the Switch sisters didn’t live in the house on Tamany Lane. It seemed like all of us grew up hearing about them in our bedtime stories, even though they must have been not so much older than ourselves. Eventually, we would meet them–in the superma [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 第三章:玛拉的故事
Wuwuyu 2012-7-12 08:09
第三章:玛拉的故事 婚礼将在两小时内开始,玛拉尚未穿好结婚礼服。她一边在房间里踱步,一边在脑海里重复着刚才妈妈说的话。她想象着安玫瑰整个小镇的人用他们尖锐,审判的眼睛看着她。这时,她想起了格雷厄姆,就在前一天晚上,他握着她的手告诉她,那些都不重要。 亨特家族是从一个正确的模版 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 (The Switch Sisters)第二章: 大日子
Wuwuyu 2012-7-11 04:58
第二章 大日子 太阳似乎升起的特别早。玛拉披上她的梳妆袍,拉开窗帘。她对着冲进房间的阳光眨了眨眼睛,提起了窗户。外面郁郁葱葱,绿色的树叶吹进房间,缠绕在她的头发上。 门突然打开了。站在门框里的是穿着黑色大衣的法妈,她的眼睛闪耀着能量,说明她已经起早忙碌了几小时。 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 (The Switch Sisters)第一章:不许恶作剧
Wuwuyu 2012-7-10 11:09
第一章:不许恶作剧婚礼前夜,司法妈把女儿们叫到她的卧室里。“不许作恶作剧,”她说。她让她们看着她的眼睛,并和她们交心。她的女儿们知道这是严肃的:打破了交心后的承诺的后果是严重的,可以确信法妈毫不手软。米娜,那最小的女儿,嘟着嘴。“玛拉在哪里?”她说。“为什么玛拉不用交心?”&n [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 原创文学 ]:司氏姐妹 (The Switch Sisters) 翻译连载:序曲
Wuwuyu 2012-7-10 10:58
序曲我们都已不记得是在什么遥远的年代司氏姐妹们搬进塔马尼巷的房子里。似乎象所有人一样,我们是在每天听有关她们的睡前故事中长大的,虽然她们与我们年龄相仿。而且,我们还会有机会遇到她们--在超市里,在孩子们玩耍的场所,在学校课休和午餐的时候——并意识到他们只是像我们一样的人。 因为一旦我们习惯于她们的黑 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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