Money and food

作者:priscillam  于 2013-11-17 11:20 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Here’s a list of popular expressions used to talk about

earning money. They are all related to food.

Bring home the bacon

To earn money for the family:

Musicians are finding it harder and harder to bring

home the bacon. Too many people want music for free.

Chicken feed

A tiny amount of money. If you think about how much a

chicken eats, you’ll understand this idiom:

Two million in bonuses? That’s chicken feed for many



Informal expression for “money”. It’s also a mixture that

is the basis of bread:

How much dough did you get?

Earn one’s daily bread

To make money to buy the things you need to live:

I’m not sure how he earns his daily bread, but it can’t

be legal.

Gravy train

If someone is “on the gravy train”, that person is earning

a lot of money very easily. The origin of this expression

is unknown:

He says he wants a job at the BBC. I think he sees it

as a gravy train.

Nest egg

A sum of money that you save for the future:

This job is very well paid. I’ve managed to build up a

nice little nest egg.

Our bread and butter

This expression refers to how someone mainly earns their


Our band plays at all sorts of private parties, but weddings

are our bread and butter.

Pay sb. peanuts

To pay someone only a very small amount of money:

We worked hard and then they paid us peanuts.

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