
作者:js2680  于 2020-5-23 10:22 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



悲惨的是平时属于社交媒体极不活跃者, 什么脸书,Linkedin…连密码都忘了,真是人到用时方恨少!!!不管如何,总是要尝试尝试,届时就算多一票,也不枉这一点努力!


Unlike some in China or Korea, I don’t hold a grudge against Japan, and Japanese people. I’ve been to Japan for once, a very brief stay. Honestly, I have a hard time to connect those soft spoken, polite, and extremely organized people with the Nanjing Massacre. However, reality is reality. I spent four years of my life in the city of Nanjing, and been to the  Memorial Hall of Nanjing Massacre more than once. It was an extremely traumatizing experience! The brutality, cruelty, the humanly inhuman evilness (truth being, no animal is nearly as cruel as human being) by the Japanese occupiers is beyond imagination, descrip*tion, and makes Auschwitz Nazis even pale in comparison. Interestingly, I’ve also been to Germany once, a brief stay too. Seeing a foreigner checking a map in the street of Frankfurt, a German gentleman came up and offered to help. Unfortunately I could not speak German and he did not speak English. He said some “$&%#” and I said some “#%&$”, and finally we agreed that a duck cannot really talk to a goose! But, it was a very warm experience nonetheless!

It seems to be very difficult to imagine today, that the majority of German population once whole-heartedly supported Hitler during the Nazi regime! Were those German people simply evil then? The answer is certainly “No”! Neither were the Japanese people. Sometimes, even otherwise ordinary people are capable of doing evil things, and that only takes one man at the top to work them up, and make the population feel justified to hate! Hate is a very strong emotion! It blinds people! It consumes people! It makes otherwise innocent people to act in maniac distortion! And usually we don’t realize that only many, many years after, when all the harm has been done.

And history does repeat itself!

If you do agree with this little writing below, please help to pass it on, to Asian American friends you know. And maybe, it is still not too late. And here we go…


I am not someone who is fond of arguing about politics with friends, or religion for that matter. Yes, I follow the common wisdom! Can we really change someone else’s value and world view in a matter of minutes, and for what? Besides proving that our view is more righteous and justified than the next person.


But till now, as the situation in American politics is getting more and more precarious by the day for us all, particularly if you are someone of Chinese descent like me, or Asians in general living in the United States and other western countries, which follow US around pretty much on most issues. And make no mistake about it! It will hurt us all as human society when it splits! The world is being pulled by a group of unscrupulous and self-serving politicians into one extremely dangerous “Us against them” hysteria, which has proven to be fatal and catastrophic again and again in history! Since the beginning of mankind, no matter in which part of the world, in recent or ancient times, “Us against them” propaganda has always been, and will always be the number one cause for hatred, hostility, conflicts leading to unspeakable atrocities against peoples!  We are always right and they are always wrong! We are by default the good guys and they are automatically the bad guys! It seems people never realize that “we” are also “them” in other’s eyes, and “they” are “we” too in their own shoes! While unwittingly and shockingly, we have woken up one day and found ourselves to have become “them” this time!


You might laugh at this as exaggeration, and I fully understand why. You may not have had someone yelling at you to “go back to your country” yet so you don’t really feel it! You may not have had someone spit on you or punch you in the face either so it’s just another story in the news! It is always someone else’s story until it happens to us in person, and then it will become our own unforgettable and painful experience. When it has come to a time that it can happen to any of us, it will be way too late to stop the trend, not even to mention trying to reverse it! And we are inching closer and closer towards that point by the day!


As of today, through three years of heinous manipulation, China bashing has become a publicly acceptable and politically correct thing to do in America, both in politics and news media! And it is spreading from there to the rest of the world. Please! Do not be naïve enough to comfort yourself that “China” and “Chinese” is a separate thing and you are an exception! It is NOT! Hatred of one will inevitably lead to hatred of the other! What we are witnessing today is a group of politicians holding extremist views are blaming America’s economic, even social ills on other peoples and countries, China being the number one target: it’s all their fault! As the number one economy in the world, boasting the mightiest military forces showing no hesitance to wage wars, holding a nuclear arsenal that is sufficient to destroy the planet a hundred times and over, with nearly a thousand military bases in every corner around the world, commanding financial dominance, capability and willingness to choke out any country at odds with it at will, miraculously the United States of America has actually been raped by China, so as preached!!!


Blaming others is the calling card for those who would shun any responsibility whenever something goes wrong! And this man has shown us everything we do not want our children to become: a pathological liar anytime opening his mouth; first reaction when challenged is always trying to deny responsibility and blame somebody else; a narcissist who could not resist self-bragging at the smallest opportunity; showing nastiness and no respect to women, minority and anyone disagreeing with him; mind-boggling ignorance and lack of knowledge coupled with self-righteousness while conferred with power to make important decisions affecting the life of millions; an unapologetic racist and hater inciting suspicion and hatred to serve own interest …… and the list can go on and on!


Why integrity matters so much for a leader? To understand it, we should know why would anyone tell lies? It is because when someone lies, he knows what he is doing is wrong and should not have done it in the first place, and still he did it. When someone repeatedly lies and cheats, it means he is always putting his own interest before others’, and having no remorse for it! This is a big “NO” for an influential leader! Because a leader is supposed to do exact the opposite: serving people’s interest, not his own! A pathological liar would never do that! Everything he does is for his own interest and benefit, and how horrible is that when he has got into a position to manipulate millions to achieve his own illusion!


Please, do not calculate how much economic benefits you are made to believe you are getting! “The greatest economy ever” is a mirage! Tax cut combined with biggest deficit spending ever will always put economy on a steroid run, but it is NOT real! To put it simply, it involves zero economic craftsmanship or genius planning, it is nothing but spending future’s money to have today’s fun! This is exactly the opposite of our value and common wisdom. It carries a consequence that the perpetrator does not have to pay any price for, but our children will one day! Even they have done nothing wrong!


“This is a war to end all wars”, declared President Woodrow Wilson in 1917, referring to the World War 1. But that prediction failed miserably and the world went on to have even a bloodier war two decades later. Never underestimate the stupidity and animal side of human! So we thought it would happen no more after the frightening days of McCarthyism in the 50s, and here we are again, back in another full scale anti-China campaign that puts our lives on very thin ice! It’s true there may not be gas chamber for us anymore, but that is only because the Jewish people have suffered for us all already! And it’s true there is no more public lynching today and that is only because the African American has suffered for us all already! It is scary to think how much worse situation will get if this frenzy will go on for another four years of fuming bigotry. But one thing is for certain: this man has already put all Chinese Americans in a mental concentration camp, where they are to be suspected, scrutinized, excluded and inevitably hated and attacked! When you are no longer an equal part of the society, nothing else matters any more. Through three years of promotion of scapegoating, hatred and confrontation, this man has brought out the real dark side of human, and the dark side of America!


Still remember the story we learned back in elementary school, the blind men touching an elephant? One man grabbed the elephant by the tail, and insisting elephant is like a rope! We have moved on from that stage of our life and the story is long forgotten. However, it has stayed relevant all along even in 21st century, and beyond. The extremists we would usually talk about, like the ISIS, or Al-Qaeda, are nothing more than some small-time criminals in comparison, who molest localities with their AK-47 and gruesome killing of innocent people who are against their wills. However, their far more dangerous and harmful counterparts are those in control of unmatched state power, mighty military machine, and most importantly the information flow public receive as they have the control of the loudest microphone, and one of the biggest Twitter accounts in the world! They may be dressed neatly in suits and ties, speak eloquently at a rosewood podium, may even say “please” and “thank you”, but their extremist view that the world is only black and white, things can be either right or wrong, one can only be with "us" or "them", is distorting our society, causing it to split, and helping suspicion and hatred to brew! Their feeling is so real, and they could not help but to insist, that elephant is like a rope!


A summer night many, many years ago in Elmira, NY, where I got stuck with a car problem, as I was walking back to my hotel, a group of men drove by and yelled loudly, “f*****g Korean”, and off they sped. March 2020, a Burmese family, including a 2 years old and 6 years old children, suffered a brutal knife attack during the current COVID-19 pandemic, as they were thought to be Chinese. In the summer of 1982, when Japan bashing was all the rage in America, Vincent Chin, a second generation Chinese American was violently assaulted and killed in Detroit, and the two remorseless killers never spent even a day in jail! Haters don’t really care who you are! They don’t really do a meticulous background check first and then attack. They are consumed by the emotion of hatred of people who they identify as not one of them! If today’s American political drama of hatred is allowed to continue, not only Chinese American, but all Asian American will suffer, including their children, who will grow up and facing an ever hostile society! And that should never be allowed to happen!


The United States is undoubtedly the greatest country the world has seen in past hundreds of years, and its spirits has inspired so many young people, not only in America, but throughout the world for generations. Sadly, it is so off the track today with a delusional drunk driver behind the wheel. I truly and sincerely hope one day that the good side of America could be brought back again, the integrity, honesty, courage, entrepreneurship, compassion and kindness! And that would be the ultimate blessing for the country and the world, and that along would make America truly great, once again!


Fool us once, shame on him! Fool us twice, shame on us!


So I plead to you, my Chinese American friends, my Asian American friends, and my American friends in general, coming November, get rid of this cancer of our society and do what President Obama urged the country to do: “VOTE”!!!


A very sincere plea by one of your worried friends from north of the border










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