
作者:stellazhu111  于 2008-12-5 01:42 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



I believe

I would pull your pretty little pony tail till you cry

Then fold a paper frog

Teach you how to plan

To make up for you

Because that is what a little beautiful boy would do



I believe

I would challenge your dark black eyes till you answer

Then carry your book-bag

At any raining day

Guard you on the way to school

Because that is what a little brave kid would do




I believe

I would peek your sunny and beautiful smile till you perceive

Then ran off an evening class

Under the soft moonlight

Kiss your cheek with my arm around you

Because that is what a handsome high school boy kid would do




I believe

I would sneak into your young passionate heart till you take

Then drag you into a date

With every love poem and love song

Surround you tight when kiss you

Because that is what a nice college kid would do




I believe

I would seduce your curly sexy body until you feel

Then kiss you all over till you melt

Pin you arm against the wall

Have crazy sex until you say wow

Because that is what a cool young guy would do



I believe

I would ease your lonely innocent soul until you say no

Then accompany you on a music journey

Feel you happiness and unspeakable pains

Renascence and be better person

Because that is what a decent better man would do













发表评论 评论 (14 个评论)

3 回复 艾德 2008-12-5 01:56
6 回复 stellazhu111 2008-12-5 02:09
艾德: 看来是个孩子
6 回复 艾德 2008-12-5 02:32
stellazhu111: wish...
well, minimum your heart, at early twenties...
3 回复 stellazhu111 2008-12-5 02:44
艾德: well, minimum your heart, at early twenties...
4 回复 baby_____ 2008-12-5 03:05
3 回复 stellazhu111 2008-12-5 03:18
baby_____: 输入法有问题,都是大写我看着累死了 好似白天开车我认识的路,晚上开只能半生不熟的感觉
thanks for the advice, will ...be back normal and easy, dear baby.
2 回复 野木耳 2008-12-5 04:43
Great cute piece for becoming "a decent better man"

You may want to translate it into Chinese for the Backchina readers worldwide?
4 回复 stellazhu111 2008-12-5 05:37
good challenge, will try after work..., thanks, head.
2 回复 stellazhu111 2008-12-5 14:12
野木耳: Great cute piece for becoming "a decent better man" You may want to translate it into Chinese for the Backchina readers worldwide?
报告老师, 完成翻译, 题曰: 如果
5 回复 baby_____ 2008-12-5 14:32
stellazhu111: thanks for the advice, will ...be back normal and easy, dear baby.
3 回复 stellazhu111 2008-12-5 14:34
baby_____: 是我水平差,你随意的,我会仔细看的,亲爱的
在木耳领导的指示,又草拟了个中文版本, 题为: 如果..
3 回复 野木耳 2008-12-5 20:51
stellazhu111: 报告老师, 完成翻译, 题曰: 如果
3 回复 野木耳 2008-12-5 20:52
stellazhu111: 在木耳领导的指示,又草拟了个中文版本, 题为: 如果..
2 回复 stellazhu111 2008-12-6 02:33
野木耳: 别那么说,等着拜读欣赏~~
thanks~ always..

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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