
作者:stellabao  于 2009-7-12 22:49 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村












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2 回复 trunkzhao 2009-7-12 23:38
2 回复 hr8888hr 2009-7-13 03:15
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-7-13 03:33
hr8888hr: 楼主没有看见这村的博士妈妈宁愿不工作也要带小孩说明了什么问题吗?
is that good news? i don't think so.

why shouldn't we learn something good from the west, instead we are learning how to rip off people...
2 回复 newyorker92 2009-7-13 05:11
go to montreal,canada. it is Canadian $7 per day!
1 回复 hr8888hr 2009-7-13 05:25
snortbsd: is that good news? i don't think so.

why shouldn't we learn something good from the west, instead we are learning how to rip off people...

离开大陆时当时大陆是采用九年制义务教育制度,即从小学一年级到初中三年级由国家负责学费.之前或之后的教育,都需要自己掏腰包,但实际上国家或(和)地方财政每年都有一定的拨款或补贴(并且这种拨款一般是在某一水平按一定PERCENTAGE逐年递增)给PUBLIC 或某系统自办的学校(含托儿所幼儿园),因此这类学校的收费相对较低.有些街区或私人自办学校,他们的资金是全靠赞助和学费,即使是非盈利或微利,以一个ENTRY LEVEL 的人的工资标准去衡量,就会觉得相当昂贵了.

在美国,法律规定12岁以下的小孩须有大人带着,而请一个保姆的费用,有时并不比中国移民的工资低,幼稚园的费用也不菲,其情形与中国相似. 但美国比中国好的地方在处在于低收入家庭可以申请政府奶票,小孩食物有所保证. 即便如此,很多福州人生下小孩后就托人带回老家由爷爷辈带着, 自己得以空出身来在美国为生计拼搏.
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-7-13 05:35
hr8888hr: 因为楼主觉得大陆的幼儿园2000元的收费过高了,并提出问题外国是怎样收费的?我是想很正面地提出我的意见.上面帖子我并没有针对任何人的意思.如有无意中伤及的
no need for apology. i stated my opinion bluntly.
2 回复 hr8888hr 2009-7-13 05:42
snortbsd: no need for apology. i stated my opinion bluntly.
读过楼主的一些帖子,她的观点我感觉似是对社会的了解不够深入或不够全面而引发某种消极情绪.因此我就提出我的意见以供参考. 如果是某些定型的类YUNYUNS, 我才懒得答理呢.
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-7-13 05:45
hr8888hr: 读过楼主的一些帖子,她的观点我感觉似是对社会的了解不够深入或不够全面而引发某种消极情绪.因此我就提出我的意见以供参考. 如果是某些定型的类YUNYUNS, 我
but the prices for the cost of some categories in china are way of control, way beyond the salary levels of middle class people. it is not normal.

government should use its power to investigate the fraud...
1 回复 hr8888hr 2009-7-13 05:49
snortbsd: but the prices for the cost of some categories in china are way of control, way beyond the salary levels of middle class people. it is not normal.

that's just like a private school(kindergarden) in the usa. so that it called "noble's school" in china
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-7-13 05:59
hr8888hr: that's just like a private school(kindergarden) in the usa. so that it called "noble's school" in china

not true. northern va is one of most expensive areas in the states. of course, the family income is also on the top; it is about $100k to $150k average/year. but the cost of private kinder garden is about $8000 a year (a good one).
1 回复 hr8888hr 2009-7-13 06:18
snortbsd: "一个刚毕业的能找到工作的普通大学生的月收入大约是1500左右,而我的小侄女才三岁,一个月的幼儿园的费用竟高达2000元"

not true. northern va is
where is northern va? norththern virginia?
1 回复 hr8888hr 2009-7-13 06:29
government should use its power to investigate the fraud...
as far as i know that government've made some regulations to limite those noble schools charge in guangzhou, china. but it's business activity, so hard to manege and needs victim to complain
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-7-13 06:40
hr8888hr: where is northern va? norththern virginia?
dc area
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-7-13 06:45
hr8888hr: as far as i know that government've made some regulations to limite those noble schools charge in guangzhou, china. but it's business activity, so ha
well, why not use the laws? the one of problems in china is too many government interferences (decisions, regulations). government should start using the laws to regulate the business practices.
2 回复 hr8888hr 2009-7-13 06:49
snortbsd: well, why not use the laws? the one of problems in china is too many government interferences (decisions, regulations). government should start using
so called chinese character
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-7-13 06:53
hr8888hr: so called chinese character
if the laws are being enforced rigorously as they should be, then there will be no need for those "decisions, regulations".
3 回复 hr8888hr 2009-7-13 07:05
snortbsd:    not true. northern va is one of most expensive areas in the states. of course, the family income is also on the top; it is about $100k to $150k average/year. but the cost of private kinder garden is about $8000 a year (a good one).
average per family income around thirty thousend a year in nyc. if just calculating chinese families' income, i think that should be less than ave. amount in nyc is. i guess under 20000/year. but private kindergarden (school) charge usually is 10000-40000 per year. some r more expensive than the good private u's r.
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-7-13 07:16
hr8888hr: average per family income around thirty thousend a year in nyc. if just calculating chinese families' income, i think that should be less than ave. a
that is why i would not go to nyc. i was offered a job there and had interview. i can get the same or even better pay in nova than over there and cost of living is less. make no sense for me to relocate there.

also i didn't like the people who interviewed me. both thought they were technical and quite arrogant. but i don't think so, in telecom standard, what they do was quite simple staff overall. i would be wasting life there and won't be able to find a job few years later...
2 回复 hr8888hr 2009-7-13 07:25
snortbsd: that is why i would not go to nyc. i was offered a job there and had interview. i can get the same or even better pay in nova than over there and cos
sometime i go to dc with tour group. i feel that living cost in dc area is lower  than nyc's
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-7-13 07:33
hr8888hr: sometime i go to dc with tour group. i feel that living cost in dc area is lower  than nyc's
dc is expensive, for living and for shopping. most of people working in the dc don't living in dc, of course they don't shop in dc either.

are you a tour guide? nearby i work, there is a chinese buffet place. every time i went there for lunch, always saw quite a few chinese tour buses, some of them, i think, from nyc. not recently though.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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