王立山把监狱叫做“四季宾馆”, 狱卒打人避过摄像头

作者:Cannaa  于 2012-3-11 23:58 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村

















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3 回复 RightSouth 2012-3-13 21:46
Dr. Wang seems doing a similar job as Andy Dufresne (The Shawshank Redemption). Andy is a great man because of his wisdom, courage and people skills shown in a severe environment, which seems worse than Wang's. These two people committed same crime.
3 回复 Cannaa 2012-3-13 22:17
RightSouth: Dr. Wang seems doing a similar job as Andy Dufresne (The Shawshank Redemption). Andy is a great man because of his wisdom, courage and people skills s ...
No. They are different. You can google Dr. Lishan Wang for his story.
2 回复 RightSouth 2012-3-14 05:04
Cannaa: No. They are different. You can google Dr. Lishan Wang for his story.
Sorry, I misunderstood Wang's message 我专门在写作课布置作业中的一首诗里; I thought that Dr. Wang assigned 作业 for other prisoners.

Andy was teaching other prisoners at Shawshank; he was the most senior accountant at Shawshank and also managed the prison library.

Shawshank's environment was worse than Wang's according to Wang's letter.

Andy shot his wife to death, because his wife had an affair with other man; Andy was finally charged with the first degree murder and given a life sentence.

Dr. Wang shot his previous boss to death, because his boss bullied / harassed / abused him and destroyed his reputation and put his life into disaster; his life has thus come to be a nightmare; he totally lost selfconfidence. As a direct consequence of these, he lost control.

I would not use  'being discriminated against' unless you can provide very clear evidence plus strong testimonies for the hearing. To prove that you have been abused/bullied/unfairly treated by your former employer is much easier than to prove that you have been discriminated against based on your race.

Can Dr. wang get nice references from any other former employers of his'? References from the Universities (including Chinese ones) he studied at before are also very useful. The more the better.
2 回复 Cannaa 2012-3-14 07:24
RightSouth: Sorry, I misunderstood Wang's message 我专门在写作课布置作业中的一首诗里; I thought that Dr. Wang assigned 作业 for other prisoners.

Andy was teachin ...
Dr. Wang's Complaint is at:

Although you believe that it is easy to prove the bullied/harassed at the workplace, there is no federal/state laws under which an action could pursue. Discrimination law (Title VII) is the only one upon which an employee could file a Complaint in court. There is no law to setup bulling conduct to be illegal, not in US.
3 回复 Cannaa 2012-3-14 07:26
RightSouth: Sorry, I misunderstood Wang's message 我专门在写作课布置作业中的一首诗里; I thought that Dr. Wang assigned 作业 for other prisoners.

Andy was teachin ...
3 回复 RightSouth 2012-3-15 00:36
Cannaa: Dr. Wang's Complaint is at:

Although you believe that it is easy to prove the bullied/harassed at  ...
Thanks for your links.
It seems that Dr. Wang has no other options apart from making a discrimination claim. He has to prepare for the worst result but must use this opportunity to show how he has eventually been psychologically attacked by his employer through a serial of  incidents ( ill-treatments ) , which has caused his suffering from mental breakdowns / disorder.

Has Dr. Wang ever tried to commit a suicidal or thought about it because of his sufferings with his employer? Was he self-harm after being abused by his employer? Has he had sleepless nights because of the same reasons?

Can his family, friends or GP give testimonies for these?
4 回复 RightSouth 2012-3-15 00:44
Cannaa: 学医的,如果没有在预定医院完成实习,就等于放弃医生生涯。美国医院不给一个人两次机会,如果你已经被一家医院安排实习一年,如果这一年中被淘汰,你就完了,你 ...
Bill Gates has a famous saying which is something like: life is unfair, please do not try to change it but try to fit in.
2 回复 Cannaa 2012-3-16 21:30
RightSouth: Bill Gates has a famous saying which is something like: life is unfair, please do not try to change it but try to fit in.
3 回复 RightSouth 2012-3-18 06:54
Cannaa: 并不是说王立山完全没有出路,而是因为华人整体实力差,再加上他忙于工作,生存的信息有限,才使他找不到出路。比如,如果有华人在某个医院作部门主任,有权了把 ...
It is difficult to say.
Years ago, a universty lecturer and his family members (all Chinese) were killed by a Chinese man. However majorities of Chinese community here have sympathy for the murderer because this university lecturer and his wife did not do things right and they were just evil.

Dr. Wang had 8 Chinese fellows at that hospital; it is very likely that the hospital has urged their Chinese employees to support the hospital against Dr. Wang. A Chinese employee's statement, saying that he/she has been treated fairly by their employer, can make Dr. Wang claim invalid.
3 回复 Cannaa 2012-3-18 07:34
RightSouth: It is difficult to say.
Years ago, a universty lecturer and his family members (all Chinese) were killed by a Chinese man. However majorities of Chin ...
"A Chinese employee's statement, saying that he/she has been treated fairly by their employer" -- that is a typical game. How can you expect them to say something to support Dr. Wang? Would they not want to keep their own jobs? And also, were they working in same groups or under same supervisor?
3 回复 RightSouth 2012-3-18 22:12
Cannaa: "A Chinese employee's statement, saying that he/she has been treated fairly by their employer" -- that is a typical game. How can you ex ...
I think that you have misunderstood my message.
I was to say that those Chinese employees are very likely to support their employer against Dr. Wang!
3 回复 Cannaa 2012-3-18 22:29
RightSouth: I think that you have misunderstood my message.
I was to say that those Chinese employees are very likely to support their employer against Dr. Wang!
unless they (the Chinese employees in that hospital) are willingly to be witnesses, they don't have to do it. The hospital can not force them to testify in court. The hospital can argue, well, we had quite few Chinese stuffs worked here without causing any problems, and then Dr. Wang can argue if they were in same groups or under same supervisors.

If you really want to learn the litigation issue, I suggest you read some case laws online. take care.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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