
作者:楚狂流亚  于 2010-12-12 19:21 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


 摘自《The Holographic Universe》

 作者 Michael Talbot
 出版社  Harper Perennial
 出版时间  First edition pubished 1992
  Over the past twenty years Valerie Hunt, a physical therapist and professor of kinesiology at UCLA, has developed a way to confirm experimentally the existence of the human energy field. Medical science has long known that humans are electromagnetic beings. Doctors routinely use electrocardiographs to make electrocardiogrames(EKGs) or records, of the electrical activity of the heart, and electroencephalographs to make electroencephalogrames(EEGs) of the brain's electrical activity. Hunt has discovered that an electrmyograph, a divice used to measure the electrical activity in the muscles, can also pick up the electrcal presence of the human energy field.
  The normal frequency range of the electrcal activity in the brain is between 0 and 100 cycles per second (cps), with most of the activity occurring between 0 and 30 cps, Muscle frequency gose up to about 225 cps, and the heart gose up to about 250 cps, but this is where electrical activity asociated with biological function drops off . In addition to these, Hunt discovered that the eletrodes of the electromyograph could pick up another field of energy radiating from the body, much subtler and smaller in amplitude than the traditionally recognized of body electricities but with frequencies that averaged between 100 and 1600 cps, and with sometimes went even higher. Moreover, instead of emanating frome the brain, heart, or muscles, the field was strongest in the areas of the body associated with the chakras. "The results were so exciting that I simply was not able to sleep that night," says Hunt "The scientific model I had subscribed to throughout my life just couldn't explain these findings."
  One of Hunt's most startling findings is that certain talents and abilities seem to be related to the presence of specific frequencies in a person's energy field. She has found that when the main focus of a person 's consciousness is on the material world, the frequencies of their energy field tend to be in the lower ranges and not too far removed from the 250cps of the body's biological frequencies. In addition to these, people who are psychic or who have healing abilities also have frequencies of roughly 400 to 800 cps in their field. People who can go into trance and apperently chennel other information sources through them, skip these "psychic" frequencies entirely and operate in a narrow band between 800 and 900cps. "They don't have any psychic breadth at all," states Hunt. "They're up there in their own field. It's narrow. It's pinpointed, and they literally are almost out of it."
  People who have frequencies above 900 cps are what Hunt calls mystical personalities. Whereas psychic and trance mediums are often just conduits of information, mystics posses the wisdom to know what to do with the information, says Hunt. They are aware of the cosmic interrelatedness of all things and are in touch with every level of human experience. They are anchored in ordinary reality, but often have both psychic and trance abilities. However, their frequencies also extend way beyond the bands associated with these capabilities. Using a modified electromyogram (an electromyogram can normally detect frequencies only up to 20,000 cps) Hunt has encountered individuals who have frequencies as high as 200,000 cps in their energy fields. This is intriguing, for mystical traditions have often referred to highly spiritual individuals as possessing a "higher vibration" than normal people. If Hunt's findings are correct, they seem to add credence to this assertion.
  Despite the human energy field's electrical aspects, Hunt does not believe it is purely electromagnetic in nature. "We have a feeling that it is much more complex and without doubt composed of an as yet undiscovered energy," she says.










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1 回复 在美一方 2011-1-3 01:23
0 回复 笑臉書生 2011-1-3 16:43
在美一方: “宇宙全息论已经在科学界被普遍接受”。呓语。
0 回复 在美一方 2011-1-3 22:25
笑臉書生: 一切未有定論
0 回复 笑臉書生 2011-1-4 00:16
在美一方: 更说明是呓语
0 回复 楚狂流亚 2011-1-4 08:51

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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