“moving” map of the country - USA

作者:tsueict  于 2013-5-2 07:13 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


A great refresher course.            Zt

Probably the best capsule of the history of our country I've ever seen..  It's fascinating to watch the evolution/growth from the 13 colonies up to the present, with dates, wars, purchases, included.  As much as you may know about American history, you'll learn something from this short video clip.

This “moving” map of the country, shows it from the beginning of the 13 states through the present.   It includes the acquisitions from England and Spain , the Slave states, the Free states , a segment on the Civil war, it  includes some mentions of Central and South America , etc.


It also shows the Indian Nations as they were during the Indian Wars: Modoc, Miwok, Mojave, Nez Perce, Flat Head, Crow, Cheyenne , Arapaho, Navajo, Apache, Dakota, Sioux, Kiowa, Wichita and Comanche.

Click on the blue line below. 










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1 回复 寒枫109 2013-5-2 08:39
Great map, thanks for sharing.
1 回复 tsueict 2013-5-2 08:59
寒枫109: Great map, thanks for sharing.
Xie Xie 寒枫109 Xiong's interesting
It is produced by American individual or a group based the word 'our' in the first sentence of the note. It will be a cold subject in our village; but can increase some of our (and our children) knowledge to understand more about our 'hosts' background and may be useful some day.
1 回复 寒枫109 2013-5-2 09:14
tsueict: Xie Xie 寒枫109 Xiong's interesting
It is produced by American individual or a group based the word 'our' in the first sentence of the note. It will b ...
I was thinking it would be interesting to have a similar map for China. How the territories got changed  in different dynasties.
1 回复 tsueict 2013-5-2 09:40
寒枫109: I was thinking it would be interesting to have a similar map for China. How the territories got changed  in different dynasties.
i have one (the quality and contents isn't good as this one) in my document file that came from Youtube. i don't know i am able to 'transfer' it or not. i failed to transplant other (similar) stuffs before due to my poor IT. (knowing your are a expert in it)
1 回复 寒枫109 2013-5-2 09:45
tsueict: i have one (the quality and contents isn't good as this one) in my document file that came from Youtube. i don't know i am able to 'transfer' it or no ...
If you can supply a link on YouTube, that would be great, otherwise, don't bother.   :-)
回复 tsueict 2013-5-2 10:05
寒枫109: If you can supply a link on YouTube, that would be great, otherwise, don't bother.   :-)
Here it is.  i can't open it now due to 'my' computer problem. Hoping it works to you.
回复 tsueict 2013-5-2 10:17
寒枫109: If you can supply a link on YouTube, that would be great, otherwise, don't bother.   :-)
Here is another one about Far East that you may be interesting too.
i can open this one with my computer.
1 回复 寒枫109 2013-5-2 10:17
tsueict: Here it is.  i can't open it now due to 'my' computer problem. Hoping it works to you.
Thanks a lot! It works for me.  It's a good one too. It could be even better if there is a narration.
回复 寒枫109 2013-5-2 10:20
tsueict: Here is another one about Far East that you may be interesting too.
i can open this one with my computer.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-nPRhEapE0&f ...
Both works. Thanks again.
1 回复 tsueict 2013-5-2 10:28
寒枫109: Both works. Thanks again.
Thank you for your encourage.
回复 寒枫109 2013-5-2 10:31
tsueict: Thank you for your encourage.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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