
作者:木磬  于 2013-6-3 20:11 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


孩子们的事,除了学校的事,各种课外活动也是不可少的,如弹钢琴,画画,学中文,各种体育活动,等等,等等。就说弹钢琴吧,好似周围认识的华人朋友的孩子们都在学弹钢琴,又几乎少数的孩子们喜欢弹钢琴。可能,也有的孩子开始弹钢琴时喜欢,也有可能,家长们是因为孩子喜欢弹钢琴才决定买琴的。但我个人认为大多数的家长是跟风而让孩子们学琴的,周围的华人孩子们都在学,如自己的孩子们不学,就有些异类了。我之所以让孩子们学琴,或多或少是有些这样的想法的。既然孩子们学琴了,就研究研究孩子们学琴的好处吧。一研究,还真有不少有益的地方。最简单的就如下所说: Benefits of Playing the Piano

Perhaps the greatest benefit of having a piano in your life is also the one we’ve known about the longest–the uplifting effect it has on your spirit. When you sit on that bench and open the keyboard cover, you tap into a powerful way to communicate emotion, enliven a gathering or just relax.

Just beneath the surface, however, the piano is much more than that. For example, a recent study at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, demonstrated that grade-school children who took piano lessons for three years scored higher than their peers on tests of general and spatial cognitive development–the very faculties needed for performance in math, engineering and other pursuits.

Other scientists are coming up with similar results. A University of California at Irvine study showed that kids who took piano lessons along with computer puzzle-solving did better in math. Among older Americans, according to a Michigan State University research effort, keyboard lessons significantly reduced anxiety, depression and loneliness.

In fact, researchers probing the inner workings of the brain have found neural firing patterns that bear a remarkable resemblance to music–suggesting that music may hold the key to higher brain function.

Playing the piano is also an excellent way to strengthen eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills, and kids who take piano lessons learn a lot about discipline, dedication and the rewards of hard work.

For so many people, having music in their lives means having a piano in their homes. And while the piano is beefing up your brain, it’s adding beauty to your home, joy to your entertaining and a lasting investment to your life.

But when you sit down to play, it’s okay if none of these other benefits crosses your mind. For three hundred years, the simple joy of making music has been all the reward a piano player ever needed. For most of us, it’s still enough.












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