不让邻居剪树, 邻居居然叫来警察.

作者:转折点  于 2020-11-5 05:26 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Jan 2, 2016 at 5:15 PM


不让邻居剪树, 邻居居然叫来警察. 没有信任别的都免谈!Do not let the neighbors cut trees, she called the policeNo trust, nothing is worthy!


刚才来了一位警察帅哥,右耳挂着线. 居然还是隔壁邻居叫来的,她让警察来告诉我她没有别的意思,只是想来剪树. 哼,是吗?我带警察去后院看了她所为要剪得树,告诉他她的逻辑,警察颇觉荒唐地歪笑一下!拿着树剪去敲别人门,不给剪就报告市政府. 第一次听见这种强盗逻辑.  又带警察看了除夕夜被人拉掉的洗衣机下水管,警察也觉得不可思议!要表达的意思吗,后面监控我的人们自己心里有数!隔壁邻居早上院子里一滩水. 上次家里丢小女的书夹(后来居然又被还回来)报告警察,又怎么样?没用,警察再帅也没用!让警察去告诉邻居,停止骚扰我!管好自己的脑残儿子和自己的事情,做这些小动作没什么好结果!

Just came a police guy, the right ear was hanging a line forear phone. Actually, he was called by the neighbor next door. She told the police to tell me that she had no other meaning, just wanted to cut the tree. Oh, is it? I took the police to the backyard and saw what she was trying to cut the tree and told him her logic. The police felt ridiculous and smiled! Holdingbig scissors to knock door of others, prohibited by others thenreport to city government. It is the first time I heard this robber logic. I also took the police to see the washing machine drainage pipe flooding on the New Year’s Eve, and the police felt incredible! What meaning to expresspeople behind me who monitor me would obviously know! This morningnext door neighbors yard there is a pool of water. Last time I lost the little girl's document folder at my house(later actually returned to return) I reported to the police, what happened? No use, the handsome policeman is uselessI let the police tell the neighbors to stop harassing me! Care more for her brain-dead son and her own affairs, doing these little tricks has no good results!


反正我觉得到现在为止,深层的信任,还是没有真正建立起来.因为不了解对方,于是把我,一个心地纯纯净净,又很二的,只对上帝负责的女子,不完美的,不愿意加入派系之争,不愿意玩政治的复杂,作一个通的桥梁,希望能够物以类聚,获得共鸣!而,因为对另一方不信任,曾吃亏甚多,曾伤害甚深,功力又缺一阙,疑虑并谨慎小心,犹抱琵琶半遮面,不愿敞开大门,不想完全接受,当然可以理解!为什么要接受? 信任靠时间来积累, 如果真想把事情做成,对不能接受的事物,应该开诚布公坐下来,定一个逐步扬弃的计划. 再有power的人,越是小动作多,信任越没法建立.有什么话,不能好好说吗?直接说给当事人听,折腾我做什么呢?我只是要一份适合我的工作,我做事的标准是上帝!如果在一个关系中没有信任,别的都免谈!我希望看到世界上为将来大家的事情能做成,更能做好!谢谢帅哥!(象袭击诊疗所这种事还是不做为好!)


Anyway, I feel that until now, the deep trust has not really been established. Because they don’t understand each other,  they put me, a  pure heart, and very dumb, only responsible for God, imperfect, unwilling to join the faction dispute, do not want to play the complexity of politics, as a bridge of communication, hope to be able to gather together and resonate! However, because one doesn’t trust the other side,one has suffered a lot, one gets hurt a lot, one lacks enoughpower, one doubts and cautious,one still shows half-face, one doesn’t want to open the door, one doesn’t want to accept it completelyOf course I can fully understand! Why accept? Trust relies on time to accumulate. If you really want to make things happen, you two should sit down and settle down on unacceptable things. Set a plan to gradually abandon anddevelop. People with power, the more tricky actions, the less trust can be established. If you have something to saydirectly speaking to the parties, why do you bother me? I just want a job that suits me. The standard of my work is God!  If there is no trust in a relationship, nothing is worthy! I hope to see in the world things for everyone can be successful in the future, and better! Thank you handsome guy! (It’s better not to attacking a clinic!)









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