ChenYN Piano Tuner 陈师傅调音—Old grand piano cleaning repair and tuning

作者:yinan  于 2024-3-14 23:22 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:piano, tuning, Old, grand, piano, tuning, grand, piano, tuning, grand

ChenYN Piano Tuner 陈师傅调音—Old grand piano cleaning repair and tuning
Old grand piano cleaning repair and tuning

In general, regardless of the brand, old triangle pianos often have a long lifespan because of their good quality materials and ease of repair or restoration. Of course, a piano that has been played for many years will wear out the hammers, and you may see traces on the felt heads of the hammers. Additionally, many wool or felt parts inside the piano may become compressed, leading to a different playing feel and sound quality than before. Even if a piano is not played, it can develop issues because many components inside the piano are made of various materials, including felt, fabric, wood, and metal. These parts may oxidize, decay, be infested by pests, or simply wear out due to repeated use. 一般来说,无论什么品牌,旧三角钢琴由于材质优良且易于维修或修复,因此通常具有较长的使用寿命。 当然,弹奏多年的钢琴琴槌也会磨损,你可能会在琴槌的毡头上看到痕迹。 此外,钢琴内部的许多羊毛或毛毡部件可能会被压缩,从而导致演奏感觉和音质与以前不同。 即使不演奏钢琴,它也会出现问题,因为钢琴内部的许多部件都是由各种材料制成的,包括毛毡、织物、木材和金属。 这些部件可能会氧化、腐烂、被害虫侵扰,或者只是由于重复使用而磨损。

Pianos are not only one of the most popular instruments in the world but also finely crafted furniture pieces and heirlooms. Old pianos face higher maintenance and repair costs than new pianos, but there are certainly reasons worth repairing a piano. Besides the brand value, another key factor is emotional value. The same piano holds different values for different people; if you have a piano passed down through your family, you are likely to cherish it more than others, making repairs worthwhile for piano owners.钢琴不仅是世界上最受欢迎的乐器之一,也是制作精良的家具和传家宝。 旧钢琴比新钢琴面临更高的维护和修理成本,但肯定有值得修理钢琴的原因。 除了品牌价值之外,另一个关键因素是情感价值。 同一把钢琴对于不同的人来说有不同的价值; 如果您有一架家族传下来的钢琴,您可能会比其他人更珍惜它,这使得钢琴所有者的维修变得值得。









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