居来找茬. 政府滥权. 鬼魅犹在

作者:转折点  于 2020-11-5 05:24 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


Jan 2, 2016 at 11:32 AM


邻居来找茬. 政府滥权. 鬼魅犹在  Neighbors come to find trouble. The government abuses power. The ghost is still there.


今天早上,隔壁邻居又来敲门, 她总是来找茬. 那位黎巴嫩女人手上拿着大剪刀,说她要到我的后院剪她的树枝. 去年我跟她说,因为我家的大树到了她院子里,我曾问她要不要我帮她剪了,她说不要,因为夏天有荫凉. 今天我跟她说,请你不要到院子里来,你的树对我没什么影响. 她居然开始说粗话,然后说她要报告市政府的code enforcement. 这是不是岂有此理是多年给我生活添堵的恶魔到现在还在横行霸道,昨天跑到我家里来恼羞成怒破坏我的洗衣房,看见那个管子了吗,怎么可能它自己会掉下来呢?今天又来咆哮恐吓要剪枝, 无法无天的精神发疯的, 啥意思?帝啊, 看见了

This morning, the neighbor next door knocked on my door againshe always comes to find troublesThe Lebanese woman was holding a big scissors in her hand and said she was going to cut her branches in my backyard. Last year I told her because my family’s tree extending her yard,  if she wanted me to help her cut it. She said no, because they gaveshades in the summer. Today I told her, please don't come to my yard, your tree has no effect on me. She actually started to talk dirty words said she would report the city government's code enforcement department. Is this ridiculous? It is the demon who has interfered my life for many yearsnow is still arrogant? Yesterday came to my house damage my laundry room. Just take a look that pipe. How could it fall by itself? Today, you come again intimidating to pruning, really lawless, mentally crazyWhat do you want toshow? God, have you seen it?


上次就是因为这里的房客报告市政府政府律师跑来刁难我敲诈勒索的. 整个事件就是那帮恶棍联合市政府搞. 这就是美国,你们没有看见隔壁邻居那恶狠狠的样子,你都不知道对门的邻居怎么跟我说的“我是美国人我比你早来滚回你国家去........ 市政府来人说要把你的房子拿走.  上面的上帝,你听见了吗? 我不知道为什么那一大批前赴后继要到美国来的人不知道真正的美国是什么不知道政府后面那一个黑影子的魔鬼是什么不知道随时随地你的财产你的家人你的安全其实都不是你的. 这帮魔鬼只会杀鸡取卵!没有将来!

Last time because the tenants here reported the city government, the government lawyers ran into me and extorted. The whole incident was the gang of villains and the city government. This is the United States, you have not seen the evil neighbors next door, you are I don't know how the neighbors told me, "I am American, I am coming earlier than you, rolling back to your country. ........ The city government came to say, take your house away. God above, have you heard it? I don't know why a large number of people who came to the United States do not know what the real United States isdon't know what the dark shadow  devil behind the government is. They don't know their property and safety atanytime, anywhere, even their your families are not really theirs. Those ghosts only know killing chickens get eggs! No future!


最近这一阵子, 太不安宁!横空出世很多不合逻辑不符天理之事!隔壁女人有一个脑子有病儿子没完没了地作吃饱了撑垂死挣扎地作请告诉我我该怎么办?这边的人脑子里想得根本就是完全敌对意识形态真朽木不可雕也. 这边的法律漏洞百出的专门设计控制系统软件,让那些恶魔轻轻松松地来折磨你,你们能不能高抬贵手把它给灭了?还是你们自己就是一个没脑袋, 软骨,认怂的?连我这么一个单亲母亲都保护不了!

Recently, it’s too restless! A lot of illogical things are not in line with the truth! The woman next door has a son with a sick mind, endlessly unsettling, strugglingPlease tell me what should I do? The minds of people here are simply completelyideologically hostile, and really like rotten wood can't be carved. The law is full of loopholes, and the control system software is specially designed to let those demons easily torture you. Can you raise your hands diminish it? Or are you yourself a no-brainer, no guts, failer? Even a single mother like me you can't protect!









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