The Lion Hero (9) Bo's Arrestment

作者:汉娜神园  于 2012-1-11 00:38 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村



Kona helped by carrying the limp Bo on her back. All of the savannah animals walked back to the camp with the policeman. Officer Lynch can’t believe that he had made friends with savannah animals.

“By the way, what is your name?”Kona asked the eagle.

“Fiona.”Fiona called from the skies.

“That’s a pretty name.”Kona replied.

The evening was quiet. The police arrested Bo and had him stay in jail for the rest of his life. The rest of The Poachers were sent away for fifty years, so they would get out of jail at eighty because, The Poachers were around thirty. Besides, they would be too old to move around very fast when chasing animals.

The whole evening all animals were happy except Kona. She felt like Bo wouldn’t stay in jail for the rest of his life. She thinks that he would get out sometime during his life. What sinister goal would Bo have in the future?

Kona shakes her head. She walked back to the campfire to see all of the animals gathered in a circle with Officer Daniels playing Home on the Range on a guitar.

“Ohh give me a home where the buffalo roam, where the deer and the antelope play!”Officer Daniels sang.

All of the animals were swaying to the beat of the song.

“Where seldom is heard with a discouraging word, and the skies are not cloudy all day!”Officer Lynch joined in.

The animals tried to sing along with the officers but it ended up being a cluster of meows, caws, and roars.

(to be continued)















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1 回复 方方头 2012-1-11 00:51
3 回复 丹奇 2012-1-11 01:17
Kona is very good thinker. She must miss her home now.
2 回复 走过青春 2012-1-11 01:49
”All of the animals were swaying to the beat of the song.“


I love  them, so cute!
1 回复 roaming 2012-1-11 03:13
Very Good.
1 回复 微风淡淡 2012-1-11 03:13
3 回复 早安太阳 2012-1-11 03:48
汉娜,你太了不起了,你的笔下可以是环环相扣的紧张追捕,也可以是温馨醉人的和平梦乡 -- You are amazing!! LOVE YOU~~
2 回复 丹奇 2012-1-11 05:44
The animals tried to sing along with the officers but it ended up being a cluster of meows, caws, and roars.

This is so funny.
2 回复 卉樱果 2012-1-11 11:26

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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