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分享 [ 活动报道 ]:《维维的故事》(原名《自从有了你》)
2011-10-25 07:26
我女儿的故事一书已由香港三联出版,以下是购买信息,欢迎转送给有兴趣的朋友:台湾(Taiwan):http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010522647香港(Hong Kong):三联书店或:http://www.cp1897.com.hk/product_info.php?BookId=9789620431494 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 热点杂谈 ]:另一种活法 (ZT)
2011-3-25 18:35
另一种活法 (ZT)
“抢盐”有感: 中国人看似对“抢先”情有独钟。究其根源,也难怪民众。君不见,在天真烂漫的人们前面,何地不充斥了荆棘,何处不洒满了陷坑!不经意之中,你会不知不觉地滑入了地沟油的泥坑;昏里昏咚,你会被各类诈骗术搞得你真假难分;稀里糊涂,你会被形形式式的“钓鱼”权术整得体无完肤;深深切切,你会被各级或各类 [ ...阅读全文 ]
分享 [ 移民生活 ]:感动于《自从有了你》读后感
2011-3-19 19:49
在博客上发表了《自从有了你》以后,收到了很多网友的表态,祝福和评论,我很感动。没有一一作答,在此我一并表示感谢。感谢大家耐心阅读。更感谢予以的评论,鼓励和祝福。我把大家的评论和祝福转告了女儿,她听了非常高兴。维维的故事写完后,也送给了国内的一些朋友看,收到了一些读后感想。我注意到,国内读者的感想和国 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 网络文摘 ]:日本地震亲历记 (ZT)
2011-3-18 06:50
中国汉王科技董事长特别助理 张磊英国《金融时报》中文网近期我的运气有些问题,上周去德国,把欧元、美元一古脑丢个精光,3月11日去日本东京出差,则遭遇了8.8级强震。从成田机场赶往东京,当我乘京成特急行驶到青砥站时,就在车门打开的一瞬间,站台便剧烈摇晃起来。现在想一想,我 还是万幸的,若电车仍在高 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(完)
2011-3-13 08:22
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Could a greatermiracletake place thanfor us to look through each other's eyesfor an instant?-Henry David Thoreau(American Author)对我们而言,难道还有比两双眼睛一瞬间的对视更为伟大的奇迹吗?-亨利·大卫 [ ...阅读全文 ]
55 个评论
分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(十五)
2011-3-13 08:14
维维诗文,作于2011年1月 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I thought you said it was easy, Dealin’ with the pain. I thought you said I’d be okay, So why am I goin’ insane? The walls are closing in on me, Left me walking in the dark. Through the hal [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(十四)
2011-3-13 08:09
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Greatness lies, not in being strong,but in the right using of strength;and strength is not used rightlywhen it serves only to carry a manabove his fellows for his ownsolitary glory. He i [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(十三)
2011-3-13 07:58
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The soul would have no rainbowhad the eyes no tears.-John Vance Cheney(American poet, essayist)眼中若无泪,心何见彩虹。-约翰•万斯•切尼(美国诗人,散文家)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(十二)
2011-3-13 07:48
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The true nature of anything is thehighest it can become.-Aristotle(Greek philosopher)任何事物的真实本性,是它所能达到的最高境界。-亚里士多德(古希腊哲学家)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~特殊教育和普通教育最初 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(十一)
2011-3-13 07:41
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Be glad of life because it gives youthe chance to love and to work and to playand to look up at the stars-Henry Van Dyke(American short-story writer, poet)活着就应心存感激,因为活着就能够去爱,去工作,去娱乐,去抬头仰望 [ ...阅读全文 ]
4 个评论
分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(十)
2011-3-13 07:37
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the end of life, our questions arevery simple: Did I live fully?Did I love well?-Jack Kornfield(American Buddhist Teacher, Author)在生命终结时,我们的问题很简单:我的一生是否充实?我是否用心地去爱过?-杰克•康菲尔 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(九)
2011-3-13 07:31
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I love the man that can smile introuble, that can gather strengthfrom distress, and grow braveby reflection.'Tis the business of little mindsto shrink; but he whose heart is firm,and whose conscience approves hisconduc [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(八)
2011-3-13 07:19
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Happiness is not a state to arrive at,but a manner of travelling.-Margaret Lee Runbeck(American Author)幸福不可达,却在旅程中。-玛格丽特•李•伦拜克(美国作家)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~早期疗育服务维 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(七)
2011-3-13 06:52
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end.But it is, perhaps,the end of the beginning.-Winston Churchill(British politician,author)这不是尾声,甚至都算不上尾声的开端。但或许,这是序幕的结尾。-温斯顿•丘 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(六)
2011-3-13 06:39
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Those who live are those who fight.-Victor Hugo (French poet,novelist)抗争者得生存。-维克多•雨果(法国诗人,作家)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 修复心脏按照克利丝汀给的电话,我们分别与纽约大学附属医院及波士顿儿 [ ...阅读全文 ]
7 个评论
分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(五)
2011-3-13 06:23
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The ideal man bears the accidents oflife with dignity and grace,making the best of circumstancs.-Aristotle (Greek philosopher)理想之人用尊严和优雅去承受生活的意外,善处逆境,随遇而安-亚里士多德(希腊哲学家)~~~~~~~ [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(四)
2011-3-13 06:18
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Life shrinks or expands in proportionto ones courage.-Anais Nin(French-born American Author)生命的枯萎或繁茂与人的勇气成比例。-安娜伊斯•宁(法裔美国作家)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 妈妈,带 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(三)
2011-3-12 22:22
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The darkest hour has only 60 minutes.-Morris Mandel(American psychologist,author)最黑暗的一小时也只有60分钟。-莫里斯•曼德尔(美国心理学家,作家)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 阿佩尔氏(Apert)综合症 & [ ...阅读全文 ]
6 个评论
分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(二)
2011-3-12 22:15
维维诗文-作于2010年10月~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~She was brought into this world,Heavenly sent from God above.With big brown eyes and dark black hair,And a smile full of love.Her mom was smart, her dad was wise,Her sister was bright and nice.They got the big surprise,Their new member [ ...阅读全文 ]
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分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(一)
2011-3-12 21:01
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~God asks no man whether he will accept life. That is not the choice. One must take it.The choice is how.-Henry Ward Beecher(American clergyman, speaker)上帝从不问你是否接受生命。那是不能选择的。你必须接受。你所能选择的是怎样度过一生-亨利 [ ...阅读全文 ]
2 个评论
分享 [ 移民生活 ]:自从有了你(序)
2011-3-12 20:44
自从有了你 一个母亲养育患有先天疾病女儿的真实记述 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates (Greek philosopher) 没有自省的人生,是没有意义的人生。 苏格拉底 (古希腊哲学家) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 大概在我 [ ...阅读全文 ]
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