
作者:ryu  于 2020-2-12 09:42 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:罗伊, 俄罗斯, Model, singer, Russia

奥丽莉娥・罗伊活动的舞台中心在俄罗斯普京总统的家乡圣彼得堡、普京的主要办公地点的莫斯科和索契等等,更大的意外惊喜是,她,曾经来过中国海南的三亚踩点放电发情,奶祭纷纷,very奶肆,习主席亲自领导,亲自部署将海南省开放开发成超越香港的自由港大省,海南水暖奶先知,奥丽莉娥・罗伊的到来,给予祖国的男儿们无限的期待和希望,外交部发言人耿爽先生也眉开眼笑表示感谢。奥丽莉娥・罗伊,她自我介绍是俄罗斯女singer,Model, singer from Russia,I am in love with my followers,Looking forward to see you,

她在博文上写道:How do you like my new outfit? 你觉得我的新衣服怎么样?偶准备去温暖的国家,别忘了经常光临我的链接!为你,我有浪漫折扣15%,只为你,为你的情人节,因为我爱你这么多...网民激动地回复:Both pictures are very sexy! But I would have to go with number 1 because the pose and the little bit of sass in the facial expression. So very sexy!
--OH LALA ! That dress suits you perfect !! Omg you are stunning !!
--Absolutely sensational babe soooo so beautiful
--Jesus Christ
--2 all day long.
在她11月18日的生日时,她推出的全新红色单曲,见题图,我一领她神奇的女中音独唱之美妙,旋律优美,动人心魄,动人情欲,强烈推荐,试试看能不能将链接表示出来。奶肆罗伊的每一枚照片,均破数万人煎熬的叫绝点赞,我无可奈何地发现,男儿民众在她的奶肆无忌的归因下,口味越来越重,越来越糟,越来越燥,期待着一见我们俄罗斯奶肆女singer的奶山真面目。下面转载部分她肆虐的奶味图片,籍此一解疫情蔓延之际无奈蜗居的痛苦和不幸,外交部发言人耿爽先生也眉开眼笑地对来自萌帮俄罗斯的奶思表示感谢。顺便尝试意译一下些她的博文和奶肆爱好者们的绘声绘色的恛菪之声。 以革命的名义向俄罗斯奶妹... 由你定夺。


标签  罗伊,俄罗斯,Model,singer,Russia,olyriaroy,


网民们:--Slacks, some kind of open collared shirt
--Anything you wear, even if it's not beautiful, becomes cool
--I feel scared with your hills
Who will will best picture Oscar in 2020?
--I don’t know about the Oscars but you win best pic on Insta! Let’s call it The Better Grammies haha.
--So many good movies and haven’t even seen some,you look phenomenal
谈到Oscar in 2020,罗伊问网民Who将在2020年奥斯卡最佳影片中夺冠?网民们知趣地答道:--I don’t know about the Oscars but you win best pic on Insta! Let’s call it The Better Grammies haha.
--So many good movies and haven’t even seen some,you look phenomenal
对中国的海南岛,和海南三亚,罗伊更是情有独钟,她的见识是那么的独到和全面,请看一段:Sanya, Hainan, China,Brian Tracy said: «All of you say that we have a crisis? Well, in Chinese, the symbol that means this word is also translated as «opportunity»
This is the same word in Chinese. You see.
Therefore, consider that you now have a tremendous opportunity...
You may think that now I will talk about the determination and importance of this quality. No, perhaps, not this time!)
Today I will talk about China, namely about its inhabitants, who have an incredible nation: the peculiarities of the development of their history, the mentality always attracted me, but remained a mystery that could only be solved by coming to this amazing country.
And now, being here, I already feel the vibration of this magical place, I feel the people who surround me, I am surprised at every moment.
For example, did you know that in the ancient Chinese alphabet there were 6000 characters? Just imagine, six thousand!...

罗伊还有她对海南的观察和总结:It is not surprising that one of the most basic qualities that are distinguished in the inhabitants of China is memory, because remembering even 2 thousand is a great work.
In general, they say that in the capital and other large cities, everything is saturated with the atmosphere of work and work.
Work, work and work, push ahead and those who are near, and go faster to success - this is the motto of life for almost every inhabitant of this country. Hard workers
But, as in any of us, there are many contradictions in the locals.
Where would we be without them, right?
It seems that the Chinese are always in a hurry somewhere: for work or for work, for example. Well, or to work, If I hadn't mentioned it yet
But, imagine, the favorite expression of the Northern Chinese is the following expression: «Man Zou», which translates as "go slowly"
China is an amazing country with its own characteristics that cannot be ignored. Residents literally «on a platter» give you a local flavor: they show how carefully they relate to ecology and signs, tell that they can do anything, share their vision of this world.

...想象一下,北方中国人最喜欢的表达方式是:[Man Zou],它意思为"慢慢走"。中国是一个令人惊奇的国家,有其自身的特点,不容忽视。中国人们从方块字上启示你一种当地的风情:他们展示他们如何仔细地与生态和文明的关系,表示他们可以做到任何事情,并分享给你他们对这个世界的看法!

罗伊还奉劝人们:I think you need to travel for this: to absorb the local characteristics, to carry them through your heart and return all the emotions that were born inside, to local residents.
Russia, Saint-Petersburg,
但是网民不耐烦了--Never wish for another Christmas present and be thankful for what he has given me
--Waiting for me to pick up? On my way!










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4 回复 ryu 2020-2-12 09:43
罗伊她在博文上问道:How do you like my new outfit? 你觉得我的新衣服怎么样?

#罗伊,#俄罗斯,#Model,#singer,#Russia,#olyriaroy,以红色的名义,俄女歌手在三亚very奶肆 - ryu的日志 - 倍可亲
4 回复 ryu 2020-2-12 10:25
罗伊的留言:Дорогие друзья ! Сегодня у меня день рождения- а значит , пришло время релиза песни на русском языке «Вместо Тебя» Ееее!!! Релиз состоится в моей официальной группе вконтакте
В 19.00 сегодня, 18го Ноября.
Подписывайтесь и наслаждайтесь Обложка для трека @artpurrp
3 回复 sweets 2020-2-12 12:42
ryu: 罗伊她在博文上问道:How do you like my new outfit? 你觉得我的新衣服怎么样?

6 回复 专治蛋疼2 2020-2-12 20:32
3 回复 ryu 2020-2-12 20:39
专治蛋疼2: 荣兄重口味啊,    
3 回复 ryu 2020-2-12 20:48
sweets: 不服!倚老卖老、倚资格草率行笔!不要再拿女性的OO说事!
“罗伊的每一枚照片 均破数万人叫绝点赞”。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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