“你睡着了吗?” 是句废话也是危险的话

作者:刘小曼  于 2016-10-18 07:19 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


“你睡着了吗?”  你期待什么样的答案?

答案: 1“没有。”  (So? )

2.   "差点睡着了"   (扰人清梦)

3.    "睡着了。"    ( ?)  


如果对方是梦游的人更加不能问他这句,因为梦游者一旦被叫醒他可能会被激怒, 可能会袭击你。




Reader Gabrielle wrote in to ask: “Why can't we wake a sleepwalker? Is it a can't do, or a shouldn't do?”

Despite urban legends claiming that waking a sleepwalker will send them into shock or give them a heart attack, it’s pretty much harmless. While you can wake them up, you probably shouldn’t, and that’s for both your benefit.

Waking a sleepwalker has never been shown to cause them any harm, but there’s plenty of potential for the person doing the waking to get hurt. Sleepwalking usually occurs during Stage 3 non-rapid eye movement sleep, also known as slow wave sleep, and this stage of sleep is very deep. While waking straight from stage 3 is difficult, it can be done—but doing so can leave a person in a state of cognitive impairment (sleep scientists call it sleep inertia) for around 30 minutes.

Sleep experts warn that forcefully bringing a person out of a deep sleep into this impaired state can cause them to become startled, confused or agitated. Not immediately recognizing you as someone they know, they may push you, strike you, or otherwise lash out at you. Even if they don’t react aggressively, some sleepwalkers have been known to drive or prepare meals in their sleep, and having a groggy, confused person behind the wheel or at the stove can be dangerous for them and for others.

Instead of trying to wake a sleepwalker, the Sleep Disorders Center at NYU recommends gently leading them by the arm to guide them back to bed.










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发表评论 评论 (4 个评论)

3 回复 fanlaifuqu 2016-10-18 09:11
6 回复 秋收冬藏 2016-10-18 22:04
3 回复 刘小曼 2016-10-19 03:46
fanlaifuqu: 你真问过吗?
4 回复 刘小曼 2016-10-19 03:46
秋收冬藏: 嗯,这句话我老问的。。。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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